Sample maximum and minimum Essays

  • Nt1310 Unit 4 Lab Report

    1764 Words  | 8 Pages

    Anderson and Wood (1925) determined a magnification value equal to 2800 but they neglected the deformation of the tungsten wire under different equilibrium situations. Conversely, the deformation of the wire could be sufficient to reduce the magnification factor of 30%, increasing the moment of inertia. For this reason Uhrhammer and Collins (1990) and Uhrhammer et al. (1996) recomputed the instrument static magnification (GS) that was estimated equal to 2080 ± 60. Using 2800 instead of 2080 in the

  • Fly Ash Research Paper

    879 Words  | 4 Pages

    Al2O3 + Fe2O3), minimum % 70.0 70.0 50.0 SO3, maximum % 4.0 5.0

  • Investigable Question: How Does Light Affect The Protozoan Population

    287 Words  | 2 Pages

    water, and grass are the same. We put one under a bucket (minimum light jar). We put the other jar under the Fluorescent light (maximum light jar). We put the last jar on the window sill (Regular light jar). Then we took samples from all of the jars. Lastly we multiplied it by the scaling factor 2700. Claim & Counter claim: Based on our data, the protozoans with the less light reproduced faster. However another explanation might be that minimum light jars grass had the most nutrients,

  • Pros And Cons Of Juvenile Correctional Facilities

    1016 Words  | 5 Pages

    Methodology What is the problem being addressed by your research study? The purpose of the research study is to address the disadvantages of juvenile correctional facilities and to propose alternative options to help reduce juvenile delinquency. Some juveniles do benefit from being placed in correctional facilities, however, recidivism rates of 41.3% in 2013 (Wilson and Hoge, 2013) suggests that there are needed alternatives to reduce criminal activity among juveniles. State the refined research

  • Psoriatic Patient Study

    1043 Words  | 5 Pages

    answered on a grade scale 0-6. If a question is left un-answered the score is taken 0.The PDI is calculated by summing the score of each of the fifteen questions resulting in a maximum of 90 and a minimum of 0. The higher the score, more quality of life is impaired. The PDI can also be expressed as a percentage of the maximum possible score of 90. Scoring (Tick box method) The scoring of each question is answered on a series of 4 answers, not at all (Score 0), a little (Score 1), a lot (Score 2), very

  • BUS 308 Statistics For Managers At Ashford University

    675 Words  | 3 Pages

    Youssef-Morgan, 2013). Descriptive statistics is the summarization of data from a sample using graph, charts, and numeric to display results (Tanner & Youssef-Morgan). The counts and measurements of descriptive statistics is either central tendency or measured variability. Central tendency is the calculated mean, median, and mode to a data set. The measured variability can be the calculated standard deviation, a minimum and maximum of variables, kurtosis,and skewness. The relationship of variables is counted

  • Patient Waiting Time In Hospital

    1034 Words  | 5 Pages

    hospital. Though this method is very intense but helps to study functional accuracy of the hospital. IV.RESULT AND DISCUSSION The population studied consisted of 300 patient of which gender distribution was 124 males and 176 females. Major part of the sample were taken from people comprising of age group 24-35 years. The average time a patient spend in the hospital in OPD services was around 55±10mins. This shows the quality services of the hospital. But it is very difficult to know if the result is appropriate

  • NRC-04 Lab Report

    8201 Words  | 33 Pages

    to visualize gel electrophoresis with UV light NMR spectroscopy First of all, 3 samples were prepared, peptide in SDS, DPC, and buffer. The sample temperature was maintained at 298 K, prepared by supervisor and H(hydrogen) in SDS and DPC micelle was replaced with D(deuterium) , so that in proton NMR, peptide won’t be interfered by H in micelle. amount of peptide in sds and dpc In the case of NMR of peptide alone, sample was prepared with 90% of H2O which is 540μL and 10% of D2O which is 60μL, so 600μL

  • Plasma Synthesis Lab Report

    913 Words  | 4 Pages

    investigated following an oral dose of 20 mg tablet in eight healthy female volunteers. Plasma samples were collected at different time intervals following drug administration, and analyzed for Tamoxifen concentration by HPLC method. The mean ± SE (mean ± standard deviation) of Tamoxifen at 0.5 hour was calculated as 4.87 ± 0.82 ng/ml which shows drugs penetration in the blood immediately after oral dose. The minimum effective concentration of Tamoxifen is 30 ng/ml, that is 40ng/mL in another study (Santana

  • Sex Determination In Anthropology

    2149 Words  | 9 Pages

    The replicability of metric approach has been reported to be high. It is also more easily subjected to statistical analysis thus facilitating comparison between samples. (70) In the recent times, statistical methods utilizing metric traits have gained popularity with most of the bones being subjected to linear discriminant classification. (71) Craniometric features which are essentially a part of anthropometric characteristics

  • Concentration Of Copper And Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy

    713 Words  | 3 Pages

    the concentration of zinc and copper in unknown # 2031 was done through standard addition and atomic absorption spectroscopy. Atomic absorption spectroscopy is a process that involves atomizing the analyte sample once it is subjected to a flame. In this atomization process, the analyte sample becomes vaporized before solidifying into atoms where it becomes atomized (Harris, 454-455). Furthermore, depending on the lamp utilized in the experiment, the hollow cathode lamp would be in this case coated

  • Freshgel Spss Analysis

    2188 Words  | 9 Pages

    large movement in price. However, as their respective elasticity values are extremely close to 1, even a moderate price movement will have a noticeable effect on demand. As seen in the sales of Store One in Figure 1.1 the range between the maximum and minimum values is substantial. Conversely, the price elasticity of Prodent’s good in Store One is elastic (-1.377), indicating that demand is more responsive to a price change than Colgate’s product thus proving that Colgate is the most dominant firm

  • Summary Of Prospect Theory

    887 Words  | 4 Pages

    benchmark for investors who are unwilling to realize losses. Weber & Camerer (1998) suggest both the price of the previous period and purchase price to be important reference prices. Gneezy (2000) states the maximum and minimum stock prices are also potential reference points and the maximum stock price is even more significant than the purchase price. Heath et al. (1999) and Poteshman & Serbin (2003) state that attaining new highs in stock prices is a significant reference price in employee stock

  • 1.2 Agression Analysis Test

    1506 Words  | 7 Pages

    1.2 Statistical Testing A –Correlation check between the Start measure and End measure for those given Calcium. When running a simple scatterplot diagram so as to visually check the correlation of start and end measure for calcium, it would appear that there is no obvious correlation. Calcium Correlationsa Starting Value End Value Starting Value Pearson Correlation 1 .602 Sig. (2-tailed) .065 N 10 10 End Value Pearson Correlation .602 1 Sig. (2-tailed) .065 N 10 10 a. Treatment type

  • Quetiapine Fumarate Case Study

    3223 Words  | 13 Pages

    wavelength was 292 nm (22). The required studies were carried out to estimate the precision and accuracy of the HPLC method and were found to be within limits [percent coefficient of variation was less than 15%]. Sample preparation briefly involved 0.4 μ membrane filter through which the sample was filtered, diluted with mobile phase, and 10 μL was spiked into

  • Coagulation: An Electrochemical Process

    998 Words  | 4 Pages

    EC treatment of oil wastewater samples has been tested on a laboratory scale and good removal of COD, color, turbidity and dissolved solids at varying operating conditions were obtained. 2. Materials and methods: 2.1 Experimental equipment: An electrochemical reactor shown in figure,

  • Cholesterol Case Study

    1696 Words  | 7 Pages

    As upper fence value is greater than maximum value there are no outliers between the maximum value and upper fence. To further investigate the outliers, normality plots can be drawn. For drug B there seem to be no outliers. This can be confirmed using normality plots. (II) Statistical Inferences and Graphical representation

  • Acidity Lab Report

    2055 Words  | 9 Pages

    ACIDITY TEST INTRODUCTION: Acidity is the total amount of hydrogen ion present in the food sample with the expectation of those bound to alkaline ions. The hydrogen ion can be either attached to acids or in the form of free ions or anions. Titratable acidity is different than total acidity although at times both terms are used to mean the same thing total acidity is the total amount of organic acids in the food sample. This all acids (tartaric, oxalic acid, citric acid, sulfuric acid, lactic acid and acetic

  • Pozzolan Lab Report

    791 Words  | 4 Pages

    moisture content of an RCC mixture to obtain the maximum density by compacting samples over a range of moisture

  • Essay On Working Memory

    1603 Words  | 7 Pages

    Working memory of humans is one of the most important functions in the human psyche. It allows one to activate and encode a set of mental images for further manipulation and processing within a short period of time (Carruthers, 2013). Working memory is essential for assuming the challenges of the daily lifestyle as well as academic tasks namely reading or arithmetic activities. Therefore, working memory is important for cognitive and academic development throughout childhood. Current studies have