Spaceguard Essays

  • Space Junk Research Paper

    1175 Words  | 5 Pages

    Space Junk is like a bullet. It is like a bullet because of it’s speed and velocity from being in the earth’s orbit. Space Junk is caused by collisions of really fast space junk hitting other space junk. Research shows that space junk is dangerous and can cause satellites to be put out of commission and also makes Earth’s orbit more dangerous. Some causes of space junk are human activity, and Space Junk Collisions. A major cause for space junk is human activity. One thing that supports this would

  • Space Risks: The Dangers Of Space Hazards

    1918 Words  | 8 Pages

    Bjorn Warford Research Paper Space Hazards SpaceZ is in the midst of their mission to visit and colonize Mars. They have already developed the technology to get to Mars and have already underwent several cargo missions in which equipment, supplies, and more were transported to Mars to facilitate the colonization process and to save space on the manned flight. The plan is without a doubt following the necessary course laid out for success, however, all of that was about to change. Space proves to