peroxide, toluene and acetic acid were analar grade and were used without further purification. Oleic acid (OA), Linoleic acid (LA), p-toluenesulfonic acid (PTSA), oleyl alcohol (OL) and oleoyl chloride (OLC) were acquired from Fisher and Merck. Synthesis Reactions Monoepoxidation of Linoleic Acid (MELA) (2) Linoleic acid (LA) 1 (1.4 g) was fluxed in 10 mL toluene and 120 mg of Novozym 435® lipase was added to the solution. During stirring the reaction for 15 min, 30% H2O2 (15 μL) was added and the
report on the compound Methanol. In this report I will discuss the industrial synthesis, main uses, demand, origins, availability, cost and environmental impact of methanol. Methanol is also widely known as methyl alcohol or wood alcohol. The chemical formula for methanol is CH3OH. Methanol is a light, colourless and flammable liquid that isn’t fit for human consumption due to its highly toxicnature. INDUSTRIAL SYNTHESIS Methanol is also known as wood alcohol because it used to be produced as a by-product
To demonstrate synthesis of Indigo through the Baeyer-Drewson reaction, and subsequent vat dying of cotton through conversion to and from Leucoindigo. Indigo (Vat Blue 1) is a vat dye with a molecular formula of C16H10N2O2. A characteristic of vat dyes is that they are insoluble in most aqueous environments. A reducing agent is required to convert them into a soluble “leuco” form, meaning “white” or colourless. The dye can subsequently be reversed back into its original coloured form through oxidation
6.3 Synthesis of Metyltrifenylmetyleter (Tritylmetyleter) [11/02/2016] Introduction: The purpose of this lab was to attempt a full synthesis of Methyl Trityl Ether from Triphenylmethanol and Methanol using Sulfuric acid (H2SO4) as a catalyst. The reaction between triphenylmethanol and methanol is a Sn1 reaction which starts due to the acidity of the solution. An -OH group is a poor leaving group, however and -H2O group is not. The oxygen on the -OH group of the triphenylmethanol can commence
6.1.1:- Synthesis of Isoxazoline derivatives :- Isoxazoline are five member heterocyclic compound. isoxazole and their derivatives have received much attention because of their wide application in medicine and pesticide chemistry. Many isoxazole compound including oxacillin sulfamethoxazole have been developed as pesticides and drugs. Isoxazoline derivative synthesized by various ways [1-2].[3]
as a catalyst in this experiment to speed up the reaction. Water will be used to quench the excess acetic acid. The product in Aspirin synthesis is not very water soluble which means that precipitate will form when the water is added. Spectroscopy is used in this experiment to determine the presence of the product or “purity” of the product. The synthesis of Aspirin involves the chemical interaction between salicylic acid and an acetyl anhydride which causes a chemical reaction that converts
The main objective of this experiment was the formation of phenacetin from the synthesis of acetaminophen. This was done through a chemical reaction known as the Williamson ether synthesis using techniques of refluxing, vacuum filtration and recrystallization incorporating a mixed solvent system. A further objective of this experiment was to study the formation of the product (phenacetin). Such validation was completed by using techniques for determining the melting point, calculating percent yield
perform its duty. There are two major growth phases, also called the G₁ and G₂ phases. When cells reach these two phases, they experience growth until they are large enough to continue to the next phase. After the first major growth phase comes the synthesis phase, in which is where a cell enters and its DNA is replicated. Towards the end of the cell cycle are three cell-dividing mechanisms called meiosis, mitosis, and cytokinesis. These three mechanisms allow for the cell to evenly
An easy synthesis of 5-trifluoromethylated oxazole compounds as a building block which would be able to transform into effectively useful pharmaceuticals or chemicals can be achieved to improve the practical use. In this study, we describe the new synthesis of methyl 5-trifluoromethyl-2-phenyloxazole-4-carboxylate which derived from 4-alkoxy oxazole in one-pot by utilizing Cornforth rearrangement. At this time, we took an interest in the experimental result that no precursors of rearrangement were
understanding of the universe itself. 2. Evolution and Creation defined Evolution Theory Defined Charles Darwin brought this natural selection presupposition to light. He stresses that whole universe was the product of mighty explosion which happened billion years ago. After the explosion stone become living thing and from it all the species of earth was formed. This process took tons of
Space Junk is like a bullet. It is like a bullet because of it’s speed and velocity from being in the earth’s orbit. Space Junk is caused by collisions of really fast space junk hitting other space junk. Research shows that space junk is dangerous and can cause satellites to be put out of commission and also makes Earth’s orbit more dangerous. Some causes of space junk are human activity, and Space Junk Collisions. A major cause for space junk is human activity. One thing that supports this would
Charles Robert Darwin, born February 12, 1809 in Shrewsbury, England, is best known for his work as a naturalist, founding a theory of evolution to explain biological change and for his book The Origin of Species. Darwin greatly influenced the world we live in today. No matter a person’s religious or scientific stance, the process of evolution cannot be denied. Archaeological investigations have proven that species evolve over time, but the unanswered questions are “How?” and “Why?” The answer lies
Amino acids that are essential for humans are those that cannot be synthesized in the body and therefore are obtained exclusively by consumption. The essential amino acids in humans include histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, and valine. Phenylalanine, one of the essential amino acids, is used in the body to form tyrosine. An enzyme called phenylalanine hydroxylase is involved in adding a hydroxyl group to phenylalanine in what is called a hydroxylation
Melatonin also known as N-acetyl-5-methoxy tryptamine is an indolic hormone produced by the Pineal Gland in animals [1]. Production of melatonin is regulated by photoperiod as its synthesis and secretion are repressed by light but induced at night in response to darkness [2].In humans it has been seen that a rise in synthesis of melatonin happens during night and vice versa during day, a circadian pattern. Moreover the mammalian “master circadian clock” located in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of
The first Amendment is arguably one of the most important. It always us to take part in many of our daily activities, like debating politics, praying or not praying, going to GSA (Gay Straight alliance) after school, work where we want, go to church, burn the flag, and post on facebook. The first amendment is a strong, confidence inducing, way to open the United States constitution. Before the United States declared independence from Great Britain, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson
Materials All the chemicals used for synthesis purposes were of AR grade, purchased from Sigma Aldrich chemicals, and for spectral analysis spectral grade solvents were used. Double distilled water was used for preparing solutions. The test strains, Escherichia coli (E. coli) gram-negative, Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) gram-positive bacteria and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (P. aeruginosa) were purchased from IMTECH, Chandigarh, India. Yeast extract, tryptophan and bacterial-grade agar–agar
Aspirin is synthesized through three different steps, the synthesis of the aspirin, the isolation and the purification and finally the purity estimation of the final product. It involves the reaction of acetic anhydride and salicylic acid in the presence of phosphoric acid = H3PO4. After the aspirin is synthesised
determine the experimental empirical formula of an oxide of magnesium by performing a synthesis reaction. It was hypothesized that the formula that was derived from the recorded data would be identical to the theoretical empirical formula. After performing calculations with the data that had been collected within the duration of the experiment, it was deduced that the empirical formula of the product generated by the synthesis reaction was Mg5O6. Since the calculated formula did not match the postulated
cyanogens and hydrogen gases . 1.1 USES: Acetylene (C2H2 ) is extremely reactive , having commercial importanc organic compound. it's employed in Fusion welding (process of joining metallic parts).Acetylene is employed as a primarily staple for the synthesis of no of organic chemicals . massive quantities of ethyne are employed in metal cutting. Its small scale use of is within the preparation of vinyl ethers from alcohols along with phenols using Na-or K-hydroxide as catalyst in liquid phase. Large
For instance, one of the, one of the first assignment of this semester, “The Crucible- synthesis presentation,” I received a score of 100. (evidence/data) I thoroughly believe that I reached significantly deep within this project to expose and tie together the whole idea of the project. As quoted, “With these events unfolding, it was only necessary