The Texas Chain Saw Massacre Essays

  • Summary Of The Texas Chain Saw Massacre

    657 Words  | 3 Pages

    This past weekend, I watched The Texas Chain Saw Massacre. Throughout the movie, I was convinced that Leatherface, the chainsaw-wielding antagonist in the movie, could have been stopped if his four victims had been equally armed with weapons. My curiosity about gun control was piqued and I began to read about the topic online. Specifically, I read documents related to the efficacy of gun control laws, the ability of weapons to discourage crime, and the resulting possibility of their use as a means

  • The Texas Chain Saw Massacre Essay

    1923 Words  | 8 Pages

    Tobe Hooper could not have predicted the controversy and ever lasting success surrounding his 1974 slasher film The Texas Chain Saw Massacre. A film that arguably, along with Halloween (1978) and Psycho (1960) created the subgenre of slasher horror. The subgenre typically includes a masked psychopathic killer who terrorizes a number of victims with a weapon other than a gun. Tim Henkel and Tobe Hooper’s script is replete with necessary elements in creating relentless horror true to the genre. The

  • Isolation In The Shining

    711 Words  | 3 Pages

    Unlike other movies, The Shining forms its horror through psychic power. One of the most important example would be Danny’s supernatural ability to “shine”. Danny's ability to "shine" was a main reason that cause Jack getting insane and the supernatural events to happened in the hotel. This ability “shine” is what brings the hotel to life. Shine was an powerful ability and reason that brings all the scary event and ghost in the hotel, which they are able to materialize themselves due to the “shine”

  • Jean-Pierre Jeunet: The City Of Lost Children

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    French director Jean-Pierre Jeunet was born into the world in France’s Liore region on September 3, 1953. Beginning in early childhood, Jeunet had a very intense imagination that later brought him major success from the beginning of his film career to now. As early as eight years old, Jeunet began experimentation in filmmaking when he rented out a small theater for a short story he wrote. Around the age of 17, he began to extensively watch movies and TV to analyze details of film language. He especially

  • Funny Games Film Analysis

    709 Words  | 3 Pages

    Funny Games is a bruised forearm movie (your date seated beside you bruises your forearm by grabbing it too hard because the dude with the oversized chainsaw just completely feminised the hell out of that handsome jock). It is one of the most viscerally assaulting pictures ever produced; a film so utterly subversive in craft that rivals the greats of Hitchcock or Carpenter. “Funny Games” is a masterwork of horror, a film that pierces our minds with stunning imagery, symbolism, dark humour and, implicit

  • Alfred Hitchcock Spellbound Suspense Analysis

    1044 Words  | 5 Pages

    The Suspense and Mystery created successfully by Alfred Hitchcock in Spellbound and Rope When mention about suspense, “Hitchcock” must be the first word appears out in the mind. Alfred Hitchcock produced plenty of films which are suspense and thrilling. In his filmography, Spellbound and Rope were produced in a bit earlier stage. Spellbound is the first batch of film using the topic of Psychoanalysis. Rope is the first experiment film made by Hitchcock. Even though, these two films produce early

  • Texas Chainsaw Massacre Essay

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    Texas Chainsaw Massacre is a 2022 American slasher film directed by David Blue Garcia, with a screenplay by Chris Thomas Devlin, from a story by Fede Alvarez and Rodo Sayagues. Several decades after the original film, the story focuses on the serial killer’s Leatherface targeting a group of young adults and coming into conflict with a vengeful survivor of his previous murders. The movie Texas Chainsaw Massacre discusses a famous serial killer called Leatherface, who hid his face under the masks of

  • Editing Analysis: Jaws

    1026 Words  | 5 Pages

    Jaws Editing Analysis The Principal Photography for Jaws bean on May 2, 1974. The film was distributed by Universal Pictures. It made $470 million dollars on a $3.5 million-dollar budget. It is still the seventh highest grossing film of all-time. Jaws was directed by Steven Spielberg and edited by Verna Fields. Jaws won 3 Academy Awards they were for editing, best original dramatic score, and another for best sound. Jaws had many production issues when it came to the building of the shark to be

  • The Damsel In Distress Analysis

    814 Words  | 4 Pages

    David Slovikosky IRLS 150b1 Professor: Lenhart Section: 001 Damsel in Distress Analysis The Damsel in Distress series by Anita Sarkeesian explores a worrying trope found everywhere in many old and new video games. Traditionally, a damsel in distress is the male hero's wife or love interest who is helpless and is in need of mercy killing or rescuing. Women are portrayed as "disposable objects or symbolic pawns" (Sarkeesian) in these kinds of games. Sarkeesian states that this theme "normalizes extremely

  • Silent Hill Film Analysis

    1227 Words  | 5 Pages

    Silent Hill is a popular survival horror game based on manipulating the players mind state and toying with their grip on reality. In 2006 the game was given a film adaptation, directed by Christophe Gans from a screenplay created by Roger Avary. Through out this paper I will examine the differences and similarities between the first Silent Hill game of the series and the 2006 film version. The protagonist of the original video game was a writer named Harry Mason. Harry had a wife who died due to

  • Textual Analysis Of Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho

    893 Words  | 4 Pages

    Alfred’s Psycho was one to shift classic form of horror and lead to transformation of horror conventions. The horror genre used to involve “monster movies” where man battled with supernatural creatures. Hitchcock however portrayed the ‘monster’ as a soul living in the head of Norman bates. Psycho, taken from its name has psychological horror. The motivation of this production was to simply entertain people, giving them the fear experience they want. Although Psycho was solely crafted to entertain

  • Analyzing Laurie Strode's Essay 'Final Girl'

    657 Words  | 3 Pages

    in that she does not have an overtly feminine appearance, and she will often have traditionally male interests. She will often have a gender-neutral name. Some examples Clover gives of The Final Girl are Sally in The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, Stretch of The Texas Chain Saw Massacre II, Laurie of Halloween and Marti in Hell Night. Clover states in the essay that Ripley, of Alien is a Final Girl. While Ripley is undeniably the hero of Alien, Ripley does not meet all of the criteria that

  • Camry's Descriptive Essay: The Haunted House

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    A vile rustic odor and burned flesh assaults my senses. A shiver runs through my body making the hair on the back of my neck raise as I make my way into the building. Walking through the first hallway was like steeping on the set of Texas Chain Saw Massacre. Blood splash stained the walls

  • Ed Gein Research Paper

    2001 Words  | 9 Pages

    The opening narration of Texas Chain Saw Massacre makes a subtle suggestion that some of the events in the movie truly occurred in one of the most unusual crimes in American history. However, the film actually just lifted plot points from the Elmer Wayne Henley and Gein cases. In a 1997 interview for a documentary, Texas Chain Saw Massacre director Tobe Hooper stated that he had heard tales of Gein's atrocities from relatives who

  • Hardy Hendrix Final Girl Support Group Quotes

    981 Words  | 4 Pages

    roller-coaster with a brilliant premise. Enough about our author; let us now turn our attention to the book itself. "The final girl support group" is a fast-paced, humorous thriller in which six of the most renowned final girls from films such as "The Texas Chain Saw Massacre," "A Nightmare on Elm Street," and "Scream" gather in a group therapy session after surviving

  • Psychoopaths In Film

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    idiosyncratic mannerisms and appearance. Norman Bates of Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho is an example of the first, while characters such as Jason Voorhees of Friday the 13th and Michael Meyers in the Halloween series, along with Leatherface of The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, are examples of the second. Movies started to include the violent but misunderstood acts of these characters into graphic film themes that became known as slasher films. In these films, psychopathic characters are usually unrealistic, exhibiting

  • Ichabod's Use Of Rationalism In The Film Sleepy Hollow

    778 Words  | 4 Pages

    Throughout the year, many gruesome horror films have premiered to frighten even the bravest of soldiers. Movies such as A Nightmare on Elm Street, The Exorcist, and The Texas Chain Saw Massacre show many torturous and agonizing scenes to excite the audience. However, many of these films lack connotation; its sole purpose is to instill fear into the audience. In 1999, the film Sleepy Hollow gave intelligible significance as well as a terrifying scare with the help of the headless horseman. The film

  • Giallo Film Analysis

    1043 Words  | 5 Pages

    You may know about slasher films but did you know that it was influenced by the Italian giallo genre? Slasher films typically involve a violent psychopath stalker murdering several youthful people, usually with bladed tools whilst, Italian giallo films are inspired by horror thriller books sold in Italy in the mid-20th century. Viewed separately, as two individual genres, they both are very similar in their use of camera shots. The use of first-person shots from the killer’s point of view gives

  • The Psychopaths In Film

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    The concept of psychopaths and sociopaths in Western society and culture is not clearly defined, and covers a great range of character, attitudes and behavior. This range includes everything from someone who is introverted and not socially adept to mass murderers and cannibals. Characters of psychopaths in early films were often created without a real understanding of psychopathic personalities. They were often portrayed as caricatures, being emotionally unstable, sadistic, sexually compulsive and