The Used Essays

  • Postcolonialism In Alice Walker's The Color Purple

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    Slavery in America created an upsurge of racial discrimination. This demoralizing practice forced many generations of black “slave” Americans to endure, or more specifically suffer the extortions of white people. They were dehumanized as the very essential criteria for survival in society was eliminated from their lives or even from their dreams. Their identity, their self respect suffered for they were viewed as the “properties” of white people. America gradually became a powerful country but they

  • Change In Franz Kafka's The Metamorphosis

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    Change. It is a microscopic aspect of life that everything on earth experiences at one point during their existence. Change is inevitable; it is everywhere, even when one does not take the time to notice it. To some, change is a normal part of life, and when it occurs, they learn how to adapt to that new change and they continue on with their lives. For others, change can be very drastic. It is something unexpected, something that does not come easy to them. Change can be very overwhelming to them

  • Project Eve Money: How To Buy Junk Cars For Your Investment

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    How to Buy Junk Cars for Your Investment By Richard Nata Many people do not know that buy junk cars will benefit them. Many people do not know that businesses buy and sell junk cars are a profitable investment. The question is "How do you make money buying junk cars?" If you want to know the answer, then read until the end of this article. Project Eve Money | The Good Life on a Tight Budget How To Buy a Car As a Good Investment For The Future How to Get the Most Money for Your Junk Car | CNA Finance

  • Irony In Alice Walker's Everyday Use

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    heirlooms, such as the butter churn and quilts, home with her to cherish. “ ‘This churn top is what I need… And I want the dasher, too’ ” (171). “ ‘Mama, Wangero said sweet as a bird. Can I have these quilts?’... ‘These are all pieces of dresses Grandma used to wear. She did all this stitching by hand. Imagine!’... ‘Maggie can’t appreciate these quilts!’ She said. ‘She’d probably be backward enough to put them to everyday use.’ … ‘But, they're priceless!’ ” (172). This is situational irony because the

  • A Desert Fugue Analysis

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    bodies unlike in a play. Greg could tell a very sad, and dark story of this Jack character; he used good facials and body movements even if they were minimal, this did service to the character because the audience could see that Jack wanted Alice very badly by the way Greg was moving around and using his face. Greg used a god voice for Jack, he had a little of a southern accent happening and by the way he used language and pitch the audience could tell when he was being tough and when he was being vulnerable

  • Astrology Used By Mesopotamians

    481 Words  | 2 Pages

    Another method used for astrology used by Mesopotamians associated deities with various planets, moon, sun. They believed that Venus is a goddess of love and fertility, and each had their own personality and power of influence. This method was popular Chinese and Indians to predict the future of the people known as Vedic astrology. A similar method used was palmistry and other body signatures, which predicted to gain information about a person’s health and wellbeing, strengths and weakness. They

  • Shoreline Used To Be Essay

    1121 Words  | 5 Pages

    Where The Shoreline Used To Be Charlotte Richardson ‘I was a child of many worlds who didn’t quite feel right in any.’ (Muslim Footprint) The short stories in ‘Where The Shoreline Used To Be’ show that feeling like you belong is an important part of growing up. Do you agree? The Book Where ‘The Shoreline Used to Be’ is a collection of short stories, poems and song lyrics edited by Susan La Marca and Pam Macintyre. Feeling as though you belong is a crucial part of growing up. The characters from

  • Used Baby Furniture

    529 Words  | 3 Pages

    Buying Used Baby Furniture There is no doubt about it. Having a baby is expensive, and not all families are prepared when they find out that a baby is on the way. The baby may be welcome, but that does not mean the couple or family was expecting a new one just then. When money is tight, parents to be may want to buy used baby furniture to save money. This is a great idea, but it can also be very tricky. Some things should never be purchased second hand, and those that are okay still have to be checked

  • Archetypes Used In Literature

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    There are many archetypes in the literature that attracts both readers and audiences. These archetypes make the scene more dramatic by using the typical situation, symbol, and character type. But specifically, the characteristic of the outcast appears in many animation movies and fictions. The movie ‘Beauty and the Beast’ is a story of Bell who went to save her father who was trapped in the beast’s castle but eventually fell in love with the beast. The effect of the outcast who is banished from a

  • Fallacies Used In Advertising

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    One fallacy used in this advertisement is Hasty Generalization. The advertisement features statements such as “Find New Favorites And Help End Child Hunger,” and “Child Hunger Ends Here,” written in big, bold letters. This sends the message that by simply purchasing

  • Handwear Used In The 1920s

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    and accent outfits were a feature of 1920 's women’s fashion. This fashion included: Shoes, stockings, handbags, dresses, and hats. they all came together to make a perfect elegant style.(, 2012). The most popular shoes for women that were used during the 1920s were: T-strap(T-bar), Mary Jane, Oxford, and Pumps. T-Straps also known as ‘’t-bar’’, and ‘’school sandal.’’ T-strap is a shoe with two or more straps forming into one or more T-straps (Rose Clare, 1989). They were first seen in

  • Symbolism Used In The Raven

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    “The Raven” is a narrative poem written by Edgar Allan Poe. Many authors have used talking birds and ravens in their writing, but used in Poe uses the raven to represent a sad longing for his dead wife or lover with the emotions of loneliness, sadness, fear, and then into a madness. “The Raven” was inspired by “A Tale of the Riots Eighty” by Charles Dickens. Throughout the poem, the narrator looks for some answers about seeing his wife, Lenore again in the afterlife. He is devastated and anguished

  • Language Used In The Outsiders

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    everyday life situations. These are similar situations that young adults find themselves in everyday and the emotions and choices they have to deal with. The Outsiders is not too sophisticated for young adults and teenagers. The words and language used in this novel is understandable and readable. Children whose vocabulary is not as sophisticated as an adult’s will find it easier to read The Outsiders. The book is relatable for young adults because it deals with issues that children come across

  • How Is Technology Used In Oceania

    572 Words  | 3 Pages

    August, 2015. THE TECHNOLOGIES USED IN OCEANIA AND THE EFFECTS ON THE PEOPLE George Orwell’s 1984 could be said to be a novel that is filled with numerous technologies that are used by the government of Oceania to control the people of the Oceania as well as to put them in Check. The first technology that is worthy of mention her is the Telescreen which the party and its faithful’s use to monitor the activities of the people. With the Telescreen he used, there is no privacy again in Oceania as all

  • Is Propaganda Used Throughout History

    1949 Words  | 8 Pages

    life forever, but what has just been said is and example of propaganda. It tried to persuade you to do something, whether you had intentions of doing that very thing or not doing it at all. What is propaganda, how has it been used throughout history, and how is propaganda used in our daily lives today? Propaganda is strange yet simple, confusing yet useful and bad yet good. Propaganda definitions vary by sources, but many agree that propaganda is something that is meant to persuade someone’s actions

  • How Is Technology Used In Ww1

    656 Words  | 3 Pages

    history. The Battle of Somme is also used to represent the hardship and loss during the war due to the harsh outcome. In this essay, I will talk about the technology used in this battle, why the battle was fought, and the outcome. First of all, the battle of the Somme was fought in order to weaken the Germans. This battle saw the French and British forces fighting against the German forces. The

  • How Is Sleep Used In Macbeth

    447 Words  | 2 Pages

    In the play Macbeth, certain words are used strategically to have more meaning and dive deeper than just the word's literal meaning. Throughout the play, words have a substantial impact on the way it follows the characters through the entire passage and what role these words truly play. For example, sleep is used in many different ways. It is used as a symbol for peace and tranquility and also used as the literal meaning. By Shakesapeare sharing what he means by his words and phrases, it gives a

  • How Is Imagery Used In The Sniper

    698 Words  | 3 Pages

    Imagery is one of the most impactful literary devices in writing. In the story, “The Sniper”, written by Liam O’Flaherty, imagery is constantly being used throughout the story. In the story, a republican sniper in Ireland faces the difficulties of fighting in war. He is not only shot while fighting, but is also trying to shoot his enemies in the darkness of the night at the same time. In the story, imagery develops the setting, the characters, and the tone of the story. The author’s use of imagery

  • How Is Technology Used In 1984

    611 Words  | 3 Pages

    being used today. Nothing can be hidden from the government, because even when people try to hide they will still find you somehow. Now the real question is how do we know if Big Brother is watching and what can we do to stop it? Technology in this point in time may be leading us to Big Brother but the society will never know. The technology today is very high-tech. Comparing our technology with the technology in 1984 is a big difference. In 1984 telescreens were the big things being used. Every

  • How Is Personification Used In The Sniper

    601 Words  | 3 Pages

    into objects used for other gains. Literary devices like personification and similes are used to show how dire the situation is in this war. This is true because personification and similes are all ways to describe hard to understand situations in ways that people can understand. The author states, “Around the beleaguered Four Courts the heavy guns roared” (O’Flaherty 1).