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Sites about The Great Gatsby

by F. Scott Fitzgerald

In this important novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald, a thwarted love story unfolds. Gatsby and Nick are neighbors in the monied section of New York and develop a friendship.

Characters: Jay Gatsby, Daisy Buchanan, Nick Carroway
Keywords: love, wealth, money, power, 1920s, parties, light

Critical sites about The Great Gatsby

The Publishing Process and the Correction of Factual Errors–with Reference to The Great Gatsby
“A sense of the fundamental textual decencies is parceled out unequally at birth. Editors who are otherwise sound oppose the correction of factual errors in critical editions. Factors affecting the decision to emend authorial errors in works of fiction include the nature of the work, the author’s commitment to accuracy, the author-editor relationship, the conditions of publication, and the proper function of editorial intervention. Most of the examples discussed here are from The Great Gatsby -because it is a widely published masterpiece with a history of textualmaladies.”
Contains: Historical Context, Content Analysis
Author: Matthew J. Bruccoli

Other (non-critical) sites about The Great Gatsby

Princess Daisy
“The most sought-after rare books are often copies annotated or inscribed by authors. The books that an author actually reads, and then annotates in the margins, can be important to literary history for they reveal how an author intimately responded to a piece of literature. . . This particular volume represents an “association” book for it connects two great authors of the 20th century and records the reactions of one genius to another. The collection also connects Fitzgerald to writers outside his generation with Sylvia Plath’s annotated copy of The Great Gatsby.”
Contains: Historical Context
Ross Macdonald’s Marked Copy of The Portable F. Scott Fitzgerald
“In his 1990 Twayne’s United States Authors Series monograph on Ross Macdonald (the penname of detective novelist Kenneth Millar), Bernard A. Schopen writes of The Black Money (1966), “As nearly everyone has observed, the novel is the result of Macdonald’s long meditations on the themes and patterns of action in the book that he said he read annually, The Great Gatsby.”
Contains: Content Analysis
Author: Robert F. Moss
Author: Robert F. Moss

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Last Updated Apr 29, 2013