How Did Ronald Reagan Achieve The Goals Of The New Right Conservatives

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The President of the United States of America in the 1980’s was none other than Ronald Reagan. Reagan is often remembered for the idea of ‘Reaganomics’, which was a set of economic policies that Reagan used in the 1980’s in order to fix the economic issues at the time. The New Right Conservatives was a group of conservatives that was against the Soviets and wanted to make economic and foreign policy changes. Reaganomics wasn’t perfect in all respects, but it certainly allowed Ronald Reagan to achieve the goals of the New Right conservatives, which were to increase tax cuts and military spending temporarily and to defeat the Soviets in the Cold War. Ronald Reagan achieved the economic goals that the New Right conservatives wanted, which was …show more content…

The New Right Conservatives’ goal wanted to defeat the Soviets in this ‘Cold War’ that the USA and the Soviet Union was engaged in. New Right Conservatives openly disliked the Soviet Union and clearly wanted the ‘Cold War’ to end. They evidently hated the Soviets, and communists in general. Many people trusted the Strategic Defense Initiative that Reagan initiated and it had seemed to work, as Zbigniew Brzezinski, a critic of Reagan’s SDI even said, “Either way SDI promises a genuinely stabilized nuclear equilibrium between the United States and the Soviet Union.” (Doc 4). Although Zbigniew Brzezinski was a critic of Reagan’s SDI program, it was difficult for even him to deny that it worked in helping end the Cold War. The SDI, at least, stabilized a nuclear equilibrium, which was a fact that not even he could deny. Reagan successfully, and mostly peacefully ended the Cold War, which brought joy to people of all walks of life, including New Right conservatives. The beginning of the end of the Cold War was the tearing down of the Berlin Wall, which Reagan said, “General Secretary Gorbachev, if you seek peace, if you seek prosperity for the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, if you seek liberalization: Come here to this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!” (Doc 6).Although

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