How Does Mary Alice Change In A Long Way From Chicago Essay

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In the novel “A Long Way from Chicago” by Richard Peak, Grandma Dowdel gets to spend one week for seven year in the summer taking care of her grand kids. Mary Alice visit Grandma Dowdel from the year of 1929 to the year of 1935. In the beginning, Mary Alice didn’t want to visit Grandma and she keep on getting nightmare but, later on, she kind of miss Grandma There are three examples of Mary Alice changing throughout the seven years with grandma. The first example is “Grandma’s missing Mrs. Wilcox and Men don’t have any idea about women” said Mary Alice . Mary Alice said “Men don’t have any idea about women” because Mary Alice said that Grandma is missing Mrs, Wilcox and Joey said Mrs. Wilcox is Grandma’s worst enemy. Mrs. Wilcox riding on the train to …show more content…

Mary Alice asked. Did she want to know, or was she testing Grandma? Every Summer Mary Alice seemed to pick up another of Grandma’s traits.” Mary Alice asked Grandma that question because she just watch a scary vampire movie. Mary Alice was testing her because she is doing what Grandma always do and she is changing into Grandma’s character. Although Mary Alice got the answer from Grandma about vampires she is still kind of scared by closing all the window of her room but, she went up the stairs first and Joey after. The last example is “For pity sakes, don’t mention those old coal-oil lamps,” Mary Alice whispered to me. “She‘ll shut off the electricity and make us use them.” This year, the town was celebrating the 100th birthday. Mary Alice told Joey not to mention the coal-oil lamps because she knows what grandma will do with old things and use the old things instead. Mary Alice and Joey found many things, however, they just mention the clothes. When they were trying the clothes Grandma thought that Joey was Grandpa Dowdel and that remind Grandma of them marrying. In the end of the book, Mary Alice had collected many of Grandma’s

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