Social Mobility In Ancient Egypt

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Ancient Egypt-a place typically associated with pyramids, pharaohs, and King Tut. It’s hard to imagine the builders of the pyramids doing ordinary things like eating breakfast or applying makeup; but that’s exactly what they did. Although life in Ancient Egypt is drastically different from life today, they still had daily routines, just like we do.
Like most societies, Egypt had a fixed social structure; everyone was born into a certain class, and social mobility was hard. Social status determined the life a person lived-whether they enjoyed luxury and comfort, or suffered through hard work or labor. Most positions were inherited; a scribe’s son would inherit his position as a scribe.
The upper class consisted of the pharaoh, priests, and nobles. They lived in nice houses, had expensive clothes and jewelry, threw extravagant parties, and had servants and slaves to do their work. The middle class consisted of merchants, artisans, and craftspeople. They lived in townhouses, and some could afford servants or education for their sons. Farmers, fishermen, servants, and slaves made up the lower class. They worked hard but received little acknowledgement for …show more content…

But why was social mobility so hard? Why were Egyptians forced to always follow in their parent’s footsteps?
The way their social classes were structured also brings up some interesting questions. Farmers were at the bottom, but they provided food for the whole country. Egypt was successful because of its agriculture;so why were farmers so undervalued? Why wasn’t their job considered the most important?
The Ancient Egyptian Empire has long since fallen, but it has left its legacy behind. Through writing, artifacts, and art, more about the daily lives of these people is being discovered every day. We know how they lived, how their society was organized; but why it was organized that way will always remain a

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