Nt1310 Unit 1 Network Internet Layer

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Network internet layer
This can be used to set the border line of what people can think of about the network. With this layer it will be able to interconnect with networks and will decide how the layers can do this process. It will be able to can concentrate and determine how the data will get from one remote network to the computer. Also it will take care with devices which are local. This is mainly tasked to take care of is routing which allows data to be moved the data across the series of networks which are connected. Software routines will handle traffic that is coming in from different sources and that will choose where it will end up. Towards the end it will work out where it need to go and which devices will take the data. Also devices and software such as for interface card for the device driver. This is allowing the data to handle incoming packets from various locations and it select the last place it travels to.

Error handling and diagnostics is when a device is allowed to access a network layer locally. It will be able to directed the traffic and share information on the progress of the devices host on the network. This can also be done alone.
If there are any communication errors, then the data packets will be checked by the network internet layer before transmitting the data packets. This has to be clear and not be …show more content…

This can be done by a browser or third party programs to send and receive email. This is usually for outgoing mail when you want to send email to someone. Once you have received the email this will then be received by the mail server to the right destination by using the right email address. Once this has been then you will be able to read them by downloading your emails but they cannot be used to send images, movies or videos which is just purely for text. There is some attachment in SMTP that can handle limited sizes to send to

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