Turner V. Safley Case Study

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In Turner v. Safley (1987), the Supreme Court ruled in favor of restricting prisoners Constitutional rights. According to the ruling, the restriction of rights is Constitution if “reasonably related to legitimate penological [i.e. safety] interests.” Jeffs communicates sermons and regulations from prison, and limiting the community between Jeffs and the hierarchy of Short Creek attempts to severe ties between Jeffs and the FLDS. Satinder Singh, an ACLU attorney, said “…prisoners can limit communication, including mail and visits….However, the prison can’t suppress Jeffs free speech rights just because it doesn’t like what he has to say (Singh).” While Jeffs ideologies continue to dictate the infrastructure of Short Creek, minimizing communication enhances the chances of stopping the theocratic rule in Short Creek. Dr. Tarby after encountering …show more content…

In Toward a Viable Policing Model for Closed Religious Communities, Tamara N. Lewis Arredondo presents methods for interactions between religious groups, such as the Branch Davidian 's or FLDS, and legal authorities. The FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin suggested consultation with experts on religious groups, and context of a groups instability such as “instances of violence within the group,” “recent attempts to obtain the knowledge to carry out a violent act,” and “history of violent episodes or clashes with law enforcement (Arredondo 139).” In addition, community policing (allocating police officer to specific areas to familiarize the police officer and community members with each other) the FLDS community, if implemented, can create a collaborative, constructive, and trustworthy relationship between police of closed religious communities (Arredondo 140). Interactions between law enforcement and religious communities allows for meaningful communication rather than armed

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