Your Lifestyle Has Already Been Designed By David Cain: Article Analysis

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America is built around a fast paced society, people go to work for hours on end and go home, then the cycle repeats. This has become the social norm for most people, thus creating a society of mass consumerism. All of this has ties to a successfully rich economy, without people going to work 40 plus hours a week and splurging on unnecessary items, the economy would come crashing down. Two main points are discussed in the article, “Your Lifestyle Has Already Been Designed”, David Cain talks about mass consumption and the reasons for working long hours.
The first point discussed is that society is built around people carelessly throwing away money. Companies depend on the consumers to survive, therefore they will do whatever it takes to keep the system going. Marketing strategies aimed at children is one of the …show more content…

All of the popular problems in America such as “obesity, depression, pollution and corruption” exist because how our economic society is structured (Cain). Consumerism is as problematic as it seems, and sadly, this is what it has come to. What happens when people have money but no time? They will end up spending most of that money to satiate their hunger for satisfaction. Most of the time, people resort to mall shopping and buying things that do not have real value to them, just to keep up with everyone else. He effectively points out that “For the economy to be ‘healthy’, America has to remain unhealthy”

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