ipl Story Hour: It’s Magic

Meanwhile, Mari and Josh were just trying to do some homework …

Mari and Josh got a homework assignment to make a map of Maine. So, first thing after school they went up to the library to study. But instead of just grabbing any atlas, they looked for a nice one. Suddenly something caught Mari’s eye. It was a red atlas with a very dusty cover. As Josh sat down at the table to look at it with her, she opened it without looking at the title and it fell open to the page with a map of Maine. All of a sudden, they were transported to a library in Maine!

Mari and Josh walked out of the library with the red atlas still in their hands. When they got outside, they saw something weird – a statue of themselves! They stopped for a moment to look at it, and then kept walking. They walked for a long time and then Josh saw another strange sight – a large blue building with more statues of themselves out in front! Some statues were of Josh and some statues were of Mari. It was AMAZING!!

blue house