Battle Of Iwo Jima Essay

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The Battle of Iwo Jima was an intense battle between the Allied forces and the Japanese forces for control of the strategic island of Iwo Jima. This battle was the result of an intense preparation process and focused on specific tactics, with a lasting impact that shaped the war and the world. In this essay, I will explore the preparation for the Battle of Iwo Jima, the tactics used during the battle, and the aftermath of the battle. The Battle of Iwo Jima was one of the most significant battles of World War II, and the preparation for the battle was extensive and critical to its outcome. According to J.A Warren (2005), the U.S. military had been gathering intelligence on the island for several months prior to the invasion, including information on the geography and the topography of the island, as well as the number and placement of Japanese troops and fortifications. In addition, the U.S. Navy was tasked with softening up the island before the invasion, which included air and naval bombardment of the island and its fortifications. The …show more content…

After a grueling five week fight, the U.S. emerged victorious, but the aftermath of the battle was far from over. According to D Wright (2020), the U.S. suffered over 6,800 casualties, with over 20,000 Japanese soldiers killed in action. The island was completely devastated by the fighting, and the U.S. military was left to clean up the mess. The U.S. had to rebuild the island in order to make it habitable again, but the process was slow and difficult. In addition, the U.S. had to relocate thousands of Japanese civilians who had been living on the island before the battle. Many of these individuals had deep emotional ties to their homeland, and had to start completely anew in a foreign land. It was a difficult process for everyone involved, and the after-effects of the battle are still felt

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