Cliffs Book Report

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Any student that's ever faced down a looming book report knows the power of Cliffs' Notes: a special series of summaries for popular titles that condense the book's main points into easy-to-digest highlights. While the book should have been read in its entirety eventually, the deadline for that report likely outpaced your youthful reading speed, a risk that could have left you - quite literally - speechless on presentation day. Even if you had read the book, there was no guarantee you'd remember the entire story while writing the report, or even that you really understood the narrative of the characters. Those valuable summaries reminded you of important points and helped to highlight important growth and development throughout the story, and for young students trying to make sense of "The Greats," they were a priceless guide. Similar to those Cliffs' Notes, analytics help you navigate "book report" mode in the work world without undue stress.
Answering the What …show more content…

Analytics, provided they're "fed" with information that's current, correct and topical, give you an easy way to take that picture. The "What" - the question of what your company is currently capable of versus where you'd like to be, will give you a goal to aim for. This firm, numerical "window" can be shared with both ground-level staff and management in the C-suite: it helps everyone work towards a common goal and helps eliminate

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