Court Case Of Jonbenet Ramsey

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On December 26th, 1996, in Boulder County, Colorado, JonBenet Ramsey, age 6, was reported missing by her mother, Patsy Ramsey, at 5:52 AM. Patsy said that she found a ransom note and her daughter, JonBenet, was not in her bed. Police arrived at the crime scene at 6:10 AM. By the time they came the Ramseys already had friends and family cleaning their home. This may have been an attempt to comfort the family, but detectives say it could be why this case remains unsolved. Police concluded that there was no break-in because there were no footprints in the snow. Based on this evidence alone police said it was an inside job. This theory later was proved wrong because there was not much snow and an intruder could have just walked around it. Police …show more content…

First, there was a shoeprint found near where her body lay. Investigators also found one on the outside of the basement window but the two prints did not match. John Ramsey says he thinks it could have been construction workers. That same basement window was also broken but it was said to be broken prior. John Ramsey reportedly closed this window the day he found John Ramsey. Under the window was a briefcase, it could have been used as a step. The last piece of evidence found in this room was palmprints on the door but there were no prints on the knob. There are two more pieces of evidence in this case, DNA and the ransom note. DNA was found in JonBenet’s clothing and under her nails. It was male DNA but it did not match any friends or family. The ransom note has a lot of controversies. It's a very long note, 3 pages, and police noticed many phrases in the note had been directly taken from various movies. The note also requests $118,000 which is also the same amount as John Ramsey's bonus check. Finally, it is signed “S.B.T.C” however police never figured out what this could stand for but people have many theories. This ransom note is incredibly targeted at John Ramsey. The family did a handwriting analysis and Patsy’s “a’s” matched the

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