Explain How To Identify And Amplify Solution Patterns From The Group Member's Perspective

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There are several things that I could do to be able to identify and amplify solution patterns from the group member’s perspective. To begin, as the social worker I would need to make sure I am using language that will help to facilitate members in achieving their goals and seeing the change they desire (Greene & Lee, 2011). This means that I will have to adapt to the language of the group and introduce what is known as novelty into the session (Greene & Lee, 2011). This means that any suggestion, information, or ideas that I provide to the group in regards to different coping mechanisms will not be seen as factual information, but should be seen as just giving them something to think about (Greene & Lee, 2011). By doing this, it will allow the croup members to look at the possibilities of what is being said and they are then able to decide if it is something they would like to discuss or even consider. …show more content…

I am not telling them what they need to do, but just providing maybe another way of thinking or handling their feelings. Also, I need to engage the members in therapeutic conversations. By doing this I will help to have the clients shift from the use of problem-talk of all the emotions they are feeling, to that of solution-talk (Greene & Lee, 2011). This shift to solution-talk will then lead to the group’s perspectives of themselves and the problems they are facing to shift as well. It will start to focus on solutions they want to and not just about how they are having difficulty handling their emotions. This could mean that group members start to find out what coping strategies are actually working for them and begin to focus more on that instead of what was not

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