Humanistic Psychology Third Force Summary

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The video, Humanistic Psychology Third Force by Daryl Bambic discusses the humanistic theories of Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow. It presents us with how Rogers and Maslow see personality as guided by each person's experience and values. The humanistic theory of psychology stresses the positive side of human nature and believes that the desire in the human being is to be healthy and to grow to be the best person they can be. Humanistic theorists also believe there is a desire in each person to grow and to achieve self-actualization, that we each have a unique desire to fulfill our own potential. This perspective of psychology emphasizes the positive side of people. This paper will show how the ideas of the humanistic psychology theory of personality …show more content…

Freud believed that people go through the psychosexual stages of development. Freud’s idea of personality is based on his theory of the psyche and the three parts of the personality, the id, ego and the superego. Freud believed that people are largely motivated by these parts of personality. Freud believed we are irrational and animal like and that growth is a process of solving erotic conflicts. However, Rogers and Maslow believed people are motivated by growth and health. Rogers and Maslow started with a belief in the positive potential in people. Rogers’ idea of how people developed neuroses was different from Freud's idea. Freud believed neuroses was developed when the ego couldn't balance the id and the superego. Rogers believed neuroses develops if how we see ourselves is greatly different from the person that we would like to be. Rodgers’ entire theory is built on the idea of organismic valuing, which he calls a force of life. Organismic valuing is the built in motivation to evolve and to develop our potential to its fullest possible extent. Rogers believe that all creatures strive to make the very best of their

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