What I Learned In My Practicum Experience

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With completing the third semester in practicum placement, I was able to benefit from a variety of new things from the class. The placement gave me the opportunity to refresh my memory and skills in what I have learnt two semesters ago. My biggest huddle for this semester was my time management. I am a procrastinator, so completing assignments on time was and still is a challenge for me. I have not come to a full solution to this problem yet, but I did make changes in my life as to how I can manage time management. But this semester, I was able to do much better from last semester, in getting my journals ready on time. With hurdles came hidden strengths I discovered about myself. During the hospital placement, I was challenge in caring for two patients all by myself; at first I was afraid to take up the challenge. But the fear later past, because; this challenge shown me where my skills were weak and needed improvement. The was the only major challenge with the placement that I had; the lack of confidence in myself, lend me to …show more content…

As for things, I would like to delve into this coming term, as well as the one after that, I honestly haven’t thought about it. I guess I would enjoy learning and doing courses that involves in nursing more, like we about to do next semester I look forward to it. My experience at St George’s University thus far has also been inspiring for me. I came here hoping to have my eyes and ears opened and to be able to see things differently in the world, and to gain as much knowledge that I possibly can. But so far, I am learning little by little and it’s looking as if it’s only getting harder as I come close university learning. But to end on a better note, I have learned things, while I’ve been here and I hope to continue. I love constantly adding to my random knowledge

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