Qualitative Research In Dunkin Donuts

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In this part of the research, I will discuss the role of qualitative research in helping Dunkin’ Donuts expand further in the World. Qualitative research refers to the process whereby researchers try to find out simply ‘what exists’, rather than ‘how much’. Qualitative research aims to develop initial ideas or insights to provide direction for any further research needed. It deals with the range of customer attitudes towards a product, rather than measuring what percentage of people hold a particular attitude (Lindridge et al.2010). Qualitative research uses the form of an interview with open-ended questions for researching and understanding attitudes, opinions, feelings and behaviors of an individual or groups. Qualitative research is concerned …show more content…

Many researches highlighted the importance of focus groups in knowing and discovering which perceptions and arguments are most persuasive and benefits from that (Roach, TJ 2014). Although focus groups have extrinsic advantages such as speed and cost, there is evidence that individual depth interviews have intrinsic advantages relating to the quality of the research outcome (David, S, & Richard, B 2006, p. 26). Also, it can define the behavioral decision-making process of donut buying consumers and why and how they might or might not choose Dunkin' Donuts for their snack food or why they choose and prefer other branches. Dunkin' Donuts can use focus group to determine what makes a donut “taste good”. For example, the degree of sweetness, the flavors of donuts, the color and the shape of the cake itself. Depth interviews will help Dunkin Donuts to know the reasons behind different behavioral choices. Using in depth interview can explore the behavioral choice of educated and nutritionally aware consumers whom frequently visit the coffee shop. For example, why those customers would choose an unhealthy, sugar saturated, and deep fried breakfast over a healthier one such as fruit and other healthy food and they know the side effects of these types of …show more content…

Therefore, qualitative research will help Dunkin' Donuts know the factors that customers use in making the decision of choosing Dunkin' Donuts brand or other brands. Dunkin' Donuts can also gain an overview of consumer behavior and the underlying causes that govern such behavior.. Qualitative research and its rich insights on the behavioral process and individual consumer insights can eliminate any possible objections to making Dunkin' Donuts the default breakfast choice for many as well as create lures or encouragements to bring specifically targeted behaviorally aware consumers into its stores when otherwise they might pass them

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