What Does Freedom Mean To Me

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Freedom means many things to many people. We can view freedom politically, as having the opportunity to vote for particular ideas or people. Along with the subject of freedom, There are many categories that can be interpreted in many different ways. In the great country that we live in we have freedoms that we take for granted. In The United States the first Amendment to the Constitution guarantees us certain freedoms. Our Constitution gives us the freedom of Religion, Career, and Speech and for me the most significant is the right to vote for President. I see freedom as the ability for each person to make decisions on daily life without restraint. Freedom is an extremely difficult word to describe because it means so many thing to so many different people, But freedom is something everyone wants but not everyone can have. Freedom is something this country fought to deserve and that is something no other nations can say.
One freedom many Americans take for granted is the freedom of Religion. The freedom of Religion is the right for an individual to choose what they believe about topics such as the afterlife, God, Reincarnation , and Atheism. “We establish no religion in this country. We command no worship. We mandate no Belief nor …show more content…

In my opinion part of freedom of choice is our capability to choose a career path. 66.2% of Americans are a part of the workforce. 11% of those who are not are have severe disabilities. Having the choice of what you want to do makes it so people are happier with their life it also makes them have a more enjoyable time. Enjoying your job makes you more productive. If we were forced into a career people likely would hate their career which could potentially cause a rebellion which could cripple the American economy. So the freedom to choose a career path that fits what you are capable of doing. Keeping the economy safe and more

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