What is Philosophy?

Philosophy is a vast field of study that seeks to answer the most fundamental questions about human life and existence. It encompasses both theoretical inquiries into abstract concepts, such as truth and morality, as well as practical applications of philosophical thought in areas like law, medicine, and education. In its broadest sense, philosophy can be defined simply as "love of wisdom" – an exploration of our understanding of the world around us through critical thinking and rational inquiry.

At its core, philosophy attempts to understand how we think about ourselves and the universe by asking difficult questions with no easy answers: What makes something right or wrong? How do we know what is true or false? Is there a meaning to life beyond materialistic concerns? Such queries have been posed since ancient times by great thinkers from Plato to Kant; however, their importance has not diminished in modern society despite advances in science and technology. In fact, many philosophers argue that these kinds of profound reflections are more important now than ever before due to unprecedented changes in global culture brought on by globalization, economic growth, technological innovation, etc. 

The scope of philosophical investigation covers everything from metaphysics (the nature of reality) to epistemology (how knowledge is acquired), ethics (what constitutes good behavior), politics (how societies should be organized), aesthetics (the appreciation for beauty), and religion/spirituality (beliefs related to supernatural phenomena). These topics often overlap, but each provides unique insights into different aspects of human experience. Even though it may seem daunting at first glance, engaging with them can ultimately lead one towards greater self-awareness, which could potentially result in positive change within oneself. 

The primary method used by philosophers is known as dialectic, which involves formulating arguments based on logical reasoning rather than pure emotion or intuition. This practice allows individuals to hone their ability to identify patterns underlying various ideas while learning to differentiate between valid claims versus unsubstantiated assertions. Dialectics also encourage open-mindedness so that one might consider multiple perspectives when making decisions instead of entrenching certain views prematurely, thus avoiding intellectual stagnation. 

Another essential aspect of studying philosophy entails recognizing inherent biases stemming from personal experiences and cultural backgrounds. This allows people to recognize the limitations of their own beliefs and cultivate a deeper understanding of other cultures, customs, values, etc. Ultimately, being aware of potential prejudice can prevent needless conflict and misunderstandings, promote mutual respect, and increase general harmony across all levels of society, regardless of race, gender, class, religious affiliation, nationality, etc. 

As previously mentioned, philosophy contains both abstract theory and practical application–therefore, some scholars even suggest necessary prerequisites for those who wish to pursue careers in fields such as engineering, economics, business management, etc. Therefore, teaching and educating the public on this subject matter might prove beneficial to everyone because it provides invaluable skills that help navigate the complexities of everyday life without falling prey to common pitfalls associated with a lack of insight into purposeful action, wayward decisions made hasteously out of fear, ignorance, and apathy. 

All said, although relatively intangible concepts compared to sciences and mathematics arguably carry just as much weight, if not more, in terms of providing guidance and direction for navigating course throughout life, particularly during turbulent times when tumultuous events unfold rapidly, requiring quick response and decision making abilities in order to survive... 

To sum up the overall philosophies, their ultimate goal is to reveal underlying truths regarding essence, humanity, and why things happen. When they occur, they achieve clarity and peace of mind, eventually bettering lives. All humankind advances with collective progress in civilization as a whole.