
An Analysis Of A Good Man Is Hard To Find 'By Flannery O' Connor

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In both "A Good Man is Hard to Find" by Flannery O 'Connor and In Cold Blood by Truman Capote, the author asserts the idea that villainy spawns from the villain’s less than ideal circumstances of his past. In the novel In Cold Blood, Capote presents Perry as a villain shaped by the unfortunate experiences of his childhood. The first instance of these experiences can be seen in Tex’s letter to the Kansas State Parole Board. Tex describes Perry’s early childhood as rather light-hearted, up until the point when his mother “wanted to go to the City and live a wild life” (Capote 126). The use of the phrase “live a wild life” would suggest that Perry’s mother cared more for her enjoyment then Perry’s wellbeing, possibly leading to Perry developing …show more content…

The first instance of this punishment can be seen when the Misfit explains why he went to prison. The Misfit states that even while in prison he had difficulty “remember[ing] what it was [he] done,” further explaining that he still could not “recall” even “to this day” (O’Connor 13). The Misfit’s difficulty “remember[ing]” his crime, even shortly it happened, suggests that he either fell into prison on false pretenses or he doesn’t think he did the crime he committed, either way he would still believe that he received unjust condemnation, which likely had a large effect on his character. The next instance of the Misfit’s unjust punishment can be seen later on in the Misfit’s speech, while he buttons-up his shirt. The Misfit callously remarks to the grandmother that “crime doesn’t matter,” later elaborating that regardless of the morality behind what someone does, they’ll eventually “just be punished for it” (O’Connor 14). The Misfit’s belief in inevitable “punish[ment],” reveals his twisted view on life, a view that could only be created through undeserving pain. The final instance of the Misfit’s unjustified suffering becomes evident through the reason behind his name. In a final explanation to the grandmother, the Misfit states that he gave himself this strange title because he “can 't make what all [he] done wrong fit what all he] gone through in punishment” (O’Connor 15). The Misfit’s inability to explain his “punishment” reveals the thesis behind his murderous lifestyle, a lifestyle crafted from experiences past. Instances of the Misfit’s unjust punishment can be seen through his explanation of his imprisonment, his belief of inevitable punishment, and the thesis behind his crimes. Thus, O’Connor meticulously crafts the Misfit as villain, molded through unfair

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