
Character Ambiguity In The Great Gatsby

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Character Ambiguity in “The Great Gatsby” Throughout a large majority of fictional literature, the characters are constructed to act and react upon however the author fabricates them to be. Within the novel “The Great Gatsby” by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Daisy Buchanan’s character can be interpreted in a variety of connotations; her attitudes and behaviors reflect on her morality. Throughout the narrative, Fitzgerald displays Daisy as a controversial character with examples of her ambiguous personality qualities and actions. At the start of the novel, Nick Carraway, the narrator of the story, visited his second cousin Daisy at her house. As Nick examined, Daisy was dressed in all white and was in a peaceful state of mind laying on her couch when he arrives. When Daisy noticed Nick arrive, she was “p-paralyzed with happiness” when she saw Nick (Fitzgerald 8). Based on her behavior, the reader can infer that she is content with her life and delighted to see her cousin. From Nick’s recollection, Daisy seems like a soft, dainty woman. Later into the novel, however, Daisy’s attitudes towards actions start to unfold. As specified by Fitzgerald, Daisy’s “face was sad and lovely with bright things in it, bright eyes and a bright passionate mouth, but there was an excitement in her voice that men who had cared for her found difficult to forget” (Fitzgerald 9). Certainly, the readers can deem favorable characteristics from Daisy; she has the impression of being a lovable and
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