
Emancipation Proclamation Dbq

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The Emancipation Proclamation established a revolution that changed the law and social status of the African American race. It helped the slaves on their long road to freedom even though it took a while for African Americans to establish the freedom we have today. Abraham Lincoln won the presidency in 1860 without the support of any Southern states. While Lincoln was in office South Carolina seceded from the Union as well as six other states and four more threatened to leave. Eventually these eleven states became the confederacy. Lincoln promised that he would contain the blowout of slavery but he believed that the Union could not survive without the reliability of the slave-holding Border States so he proceeded carefully. While Lincoln was …show more content…

The North and South disagreed on so many things including slavery so the confederate states wanted to split off with the Union states led by the Lincoln. Lincoln wanted to help the slaves get out of slavery so while he was in office he made sure he did just that. The Emancipation Proclamation sent out by Lincoln during the time of the Civil War acknowledged every slave in the interior of any state, or selected portion of a state in defiance must be everlasting free. When slavery started in the Americas, Africans were removed forcefully from their land in countless numbers and brought to the Americans. This was not the first time Africans came to the new world though. In fact, there are records that say African voyages were made long ago before slavery even started in America. We are led to believe that Christopher Columbus came to voyage America before Africans did but there was a voyage long before Christopher Columbus. Africans were brought to the west by Americans to cultivate things like sugar and cotton; they got this idea from Muslims who had black slaves in places like Egypt and Southern Iraq who were cultivating the same thing. The type of slavery that existed in the west was much harsher. Millions of slaves were brought to the west and about 60% of them did not survive. They were packed close together in ships like sardines without room to move like canned goods. …show more content…

It was a kind of slavery where a human being was not seen as a human being. In classical slavery you were viewed as a human being. You did not have many rights but you were not seen as an inferior being. African American slavery in the west was different; it was something that degraded the humanity of Africans. Blacks of this time were considered unfortunate human beings that had close to any rights. African history does not begin with slavery though; when you look back in African American history you find that many of the most powerful governments, and civilizations were Muslim. The Emancipation Proclamation pushed this kind of concept back into the African American culture giving blacks a better life to begin something we had not had for years which was freedom. The proclamation freed about 3 million out of the 4 million slaves in the United States. Majority of the slaves that were freed joined the Union Army and contributed to the war for the two remaining years which effectively changed the outcome of the war. The proclamation was a big move for the future movement towards freedom of African

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