Examples Of Idealism In The Great Gatsby

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During our lives, we can lose who we are as a person. Loss of Idealism is influencing hopes of making a dream come true, but it can backfire and make them lose what they really wanted to come true. The eye-gazing film “The Great Gatsby” directed by Baz Luhrmann, commonly explores how the loss of a character's idealism can have a significant impact on lives in the film. In our world and in my own life, I can say too that the loss of idealism resonates to me the most as I have experienced loss of idealism and in the world, this theme has impacted people’s lives. In “The Great Gatsby”, the character Jay Gastby demonstrates how his pursuit of the dream of being with his only true love Daisy, ultimately destroys his idealism. More on this, we will explore how emotions of losing someone you know or love can overtake a character's identity and lose who they really are. Lastly, how the character Nick Carraway gets involved more in Gatsby and Buchanan's life, which makes his idealism falter. …show more content…

Luhrmann demonstrates this through the romance of Jay Gatsby and Daisy Buchanan. Gatsby first meets Daisy in Louisville at Camp Taylor, they fell in love at first sight, but when Gatsby went to war, Daisy moved on and married Tom Buchanan, she did this due to him giving her more material comfort. Gastby always wanted to be rich, but now he wanted it more than anything, so he did anything he could do to get money. He did this as he wanted to win Daisy back and be noticed by her, all he wanted was for him to notice him more over Tom. When Daisy had to choose between Jay and Tom, she chooses Tom over Gatsby due to his wealth being more secure , this shows that Gatsby’s wealth wasn’t good enough for her, it also showed that his wealth to get her back meant nothing to her, and after he loses her, he doesn’t know what to think of her. Furthermore, in our

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