Henrietta Lacks Research Paper

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In this sad tragedy “The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks” Henrietta signed a consent form to give permission to the staff of the John Hopkins Hospital to perform surgical procedures under anesthesia and while she was passed out the doctors cut out a piece of her tumor without informing her. My opinion on all of this is that the she signed a form where it lets the doctors do any procedures that are necessary in helping Henrietta get better however the doctors did get a little carry away with picking at her brain and I could see why the family was upset, but they probably have a good reason why they didn’t.

Most people would argue that Gey and Ta Linda was in the rights to explore Henrietta tumor and take a chunk of it for research …show more content…

Maybe figure out how to duplicate the cells and use it for other drugs that can help people heal better. All through this research and testing Henrietta was left in the dark she didn’t even know that the doctors removed a piece of her cervix for research purposes. She didn’t even receive credit for her cells until much much later. No one knew about the HeLa cells except for the doctors because they were trying to keep it a secret so their project wouldn’t get shutdown by not informing the patient that they’re using their cells. Some would say that the doctors did the right thing and kept the identity of the cells disclosed because later on it led to saving so many lives. Also, people viewed this as permissible and not abuse of power because they were securing their success with their latest project and was going to throw Henrietta and her family in the loop after if they discovered the cure for cancer. Yet the doctors could have reduced the risk of losing it all just by giving the family special benefits like better care for Henrietta, her family taken care of, help pay the medical bills and asking for their approval. They wouldn’t say no to helping out other people in need if this research skyrocketed. The worst part in all of this is that Henrietta died a

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