
The Pros And Cons Of Assisted Suicide

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Assisted dying is becoming more and more of a common talk around everyone in the world. Whether a person is for it or against it, it is still something to controverse about. In this article I am going to talk about the pros and the cons of assisted dying, as well as my views of this delicate topic. “Assisted suicide is providing another person with the knowledge or means to intentionally end his or her own life; an example would be a doctor prescribing barbiturates to someone with a terminal illness who then takes the medication and dies.” (Thompson 2014). This quote accuratly represents the definition of assisted suicide/dying. I understand that this topic has different sides and viewpoints, but I believe that Assisted Dying is both a pro …show more content…

Elderly people who have advanced stages of dementia are an example of who could benefit from Assisted Death. People with advanced stages of anything could benefit, whether it be dementia, Alzheimer's disease, or something as small as hearing loss. This group of people could benefit greatly from assisted death. "I did not come to this world to live for ever -- make room for others,"(Harris 2015). This quote was said by a 53-year-old man. That quote is a great reminder for anyone. Not just elderly people, we’re not meant to live forever only for the time we are given …show more content…

People on the pro side would argue that these people suffer as well. But not every person who is “suffering” should be allowed death. “Extending MAID to those with mental illnesses carries obvious risks, given that suicidal thoughts can be part and parcel of some psychological conditions. Advocates for the disabled warn that widening the MAID criteria makes their lives seem more disposable than others, and worry people with disabilities will feel pressure to go that route.”(Phillips 2022). This quote touches slightly on one risk. People have been opting for Assisted Dying for various reasons. A couple being depression, suicide, feeling like a burden, etc. These are not serious reasons. These are things that can be solved by getting help in other ways, not by taking assisted

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