Bolshevik Essays

  • Bolshevik Primary Sources

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    The Bolsheviks were experiencing mass support, they were now controlling factories and squeezing out the Mensheviks and SR's. The Bolsheviks were becoming the alternative to the Bourgeoisie government, as I noted political polarisation was taking place and this was mirrored in the September Duma elections which saw 51% go to the Bolsheviks and 33% to the Kadets. This was undeniably one of the biggest turning points for the Bolsheviks, respect was gained from the people after they were able to portray

  • The Success Of The Bolshevik Seizure Of Power In October 1917

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    “What factors were responsible for the success of the Bolshevik seizure of power in the October 1917 Revolution?” The October revolution, also known as the Bolshevik Revolution was a seizure of power by the Bolsheviks in 1917. The Revolution saw the overthrow of the Provisional Government and the progressive establishment of the Soviet Union. These leading factors the are credited with the success of the Bolshevik seizure of power, these leading factors included the weak and unresponsive Provisional

  • How Did Lenin Influence The Bolsheviks

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    While the Bolsheviks were instrumental in the development of the revolution, the eventual coup was only made possible by the ineptitude of the provisional government. Although playing a relatively minimal role in the February revolution, the influence of the Bolsheviks grew as the influence of the Provisional Government’s waned. Through the ideas of Lenin and the actions of the party as a whole, the party was able to manipulate the progression from February, to complete a socialist revolution.

  • Was The Bolshevik Party Successful During The October Revolution?

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    Revolution transpired. The Bolshevik Party in control of overturning the provisional government seized power, which allowed them to make Russia terminate the Triple Entente military alliance with France and Britain. It allowed the Bolshevik party to gain more power and enjoy its authority within Russia by transforming the Russian state into a Soviet republic and establishing the Soviet Union. The following investigation will answer the question: in what ways was the Bolshevik Party successful during

  • How Did Lenin Come To Power In Russia

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    the previous February Revolution, there was power sharing between the weak Provisional Government and the Petrograd Soviet. The October Revolution was a much more calculated event, orchestrated by a small group of people: the Bolsheviks. Led by Vladimir Lenin, the Bolsheviks launched a coup d'état against the Provisional Government and seized power, occupying strategic locations such as government buildings and forming a new government with Lenin as its head. The October Revolution was a watershed

  • Why There Was There A Revolution Without Lenin Essay

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    the Bolsheviks the revolution wouldn’t have happened, however there were many other reasons as to why there was a revolution in 1917. The role of Lenin was key for the Bolsheviks to be able to seize power. Lenin spoke to the people and he promised what they wanted. His short and simple slogans like ‘Peace, land and bread’ were very appealing to the working class of Russia as they were easily understood by the average person. One of these promises was to end the war, which meant the Bolsheviks gained

  • Why Did Joseph Stalin Control Russia

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    Lenin’s actions are a prime example of a Bolshevik doing whatever it took for the sake of their country including fleeing to Switzerland, putting aside his beliefs for the sake of progress, and looking out for the future USSR from his deathbed. Lenin’s plan to save Russia would have been considered

  • Essay On Russian Revolution

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    The Russian revolution technically consisted of two revolutions, the so called “January revolution” and the “October revolution”, that both took place in 1917. They came to change Russia not only politically but socially as well. The ruler of Russia, tsar Nicholaj II, was an autocratic dictator who did not want anyone else to rule. He kept poor track of his country and lived in solitude far away from the people. When Russia entered WWI it became clear to everyone just how poorly he ruled his country

  • Vladimir Lenin Research Paper

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    rather than the usual high class people, “By the afternoon of 7 November, the virtually bloodless insurrection had run its course, and power passed from the provisional government into the hands of Lenin and the Bolshevik Party. The U.S journalist John Reed (1887-1920), who witnessed the Bolshevik seizure of power, understood the significance of the events when he referred to them as ‘ten days that shook the world’” (Bentley). With this in mind this shows us that Lenin was an altruistic person due to

  • What Role Did Trotsky Play In The Russian Revolution

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    assumed the leadership of a left-wing Menshevik faction. Following the abortive July Days uprising, Trotsky was arrested in the crackdown on the Bolshevik leadership carried out by Aleksandr Kerensky’s liberal government. In August, while still in jail, Trotsky was formally admitted to the Bolshevik Party and was also elected to membership on the Bolshevik Central Committee. He was released from prison in September and shortly afterward was elected chairman of the Petrograd Soviet of Workers’ and Soldiers’

  • Adolf Hitler And Joseph Stalin: A Clash Of Kings

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    Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin: A Clash of Kings The leadership style of leaders may differ drastically; even those within the same political bracket may be complete opposites. But when it comes to Nazism leader Adolf Hitler and Stalinism leader Joseph Stalin, there are many similarities and differences. Both of them were masters of propaganda and the use of fear and confidence. But when it comes to the state of the country and economy, Stalin takes it. Hitler was a powerful leader, but Stalin outdid

  • Joseph Stalin Corruption

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    Through his corrupt childhood, all the beatings he withstood, his constant jail sentences. Joseph Stalin had still managed to climb the ladder to absolute power, as a dictator, who used fear as a mass murder weapon to control his people. But how did he become the man he was, when he took power of the Soviet Union? Losif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili, better known as Joseph Stalin, was born December 18th, 1878, in the village of Gori, Georgia, a small town in the Russian empire. He was the only surviving

  • Theme Of Political Satire And Allegory In George Orwell's Animal Farm

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    George Orwell’s novel, Animal Farm, was a great example of political satire and allegory. One of the main ideas in this novel was how each event paralleled events from the Russian Revolution. The novel was written to criticize tyrannical rule and particularly Joseph Stalin's corrupt rule in Russia. The characters, settings, and plot described the social disturbance during this period and proved how the good nature of communism could be turned into something atrocious from an idea as simple as greed

  • Bolsheviks Actions

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    Creation and Actions of the Bolsheviks In the lead up to the 1917 October Revolution, Russia had already experienced countless failures concerning the governing of the country and its involvement in war. The Provisional Government was created to replace the lack of governance following the overthrown Tzar. This Provisional Government was made up of bankers, lawyers, industrialists, and capitalists. They were weak and failed to keep their promise of concluding Russia's involvement in the war. They

  • The BOLSHEVIKS Regime

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    The BOLSHEVIKS wanted to have a social reform within the country of Russia. The BOLSHEVIKS then made a peace treaty with Germany that was called the peace of Brest-Liovsk on March 3, 1918. The treaty entails that the BOLSHEVIKS not only a punitive peace, but also they game up most of their land of the Baltic provinces. Because of this Russia lost “a third of its population, a third of its agricultural land, four-fifths of its coal mines, and half of its industry” (167). This was a sign that the

  • The Bolsheviks: The Red Terror

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    of communication, raw materials, and a larger population. To maintain order, the Bolsheviks began what is called “The Red Terror”. Eventually it became clear to the allies that the Bolsheviks were ultimately going to win. The allies then withdrew and Czechoslovakian Legion returned to Czechoslovakia. The Bolsheviks wanted to spread Communism to their neighbors and re- conquer Russia’s old territories. The Bolsheviks also believed that the turmoil in Germany and the former Austria-Hungarian Empire

  • Leon Trotsky And The Bolsheviks

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    Bolsheviks: In 1903, the Marxist Social Democratic Party of the Soviet Union divided into two parts, one was the Mensheviks and the other was the Bolsheviks (pg. 779). The Bolsheviks were Russian Social Democrats who were under the authority of Vladimir Ulianiov (pg. 779). The Bolsheviks and Ulianiov were falsely accused of attempting to overthrow the government, and this caused Ulianiov to flee to Finland pg. 779). Membership within the Bolsheviks skyrocketed within months, going from 50,000 to

  • The Kornilov Affair: The Ineptitude Of The Bolsheviks

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    weapons to the Bolsheviks and to free those who were currently in jail, including the commander of the Red Army, Leon Trotsky. This showcased the ineptitude of the Russian Provisional Government as there was disunity within the group. It was a very weak system that was going to eventually fail due to the lack of leadership and support of the Russian population, particularly within the urban community. Although there were

  • Difference Between Menhk And Bolsheviks

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    The Bolsheviks were a great and important group in this time period. Everyone knew about them, and then they changed their party the Communist party. Around the late 1800’s Revolutionary movements started to grow. People were becoming unhappier by the day due to reasons such as… lowering the standard of living, low wages, cruel working conditions, child labor, etc. because our these factors the people who followed the man Karl Marx, believing in proletariat. Meaning, The workers would rule

  • The Bolshevik Revolution And The Russian Revolution

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    relinquish, and the old regime was substituted by a temporary government or the “Provisional Government” during the first revolution in February 1917. In the second revolution, during October, the Temporary Government was removed and replaced with a Bolshevik Government. The February Revolution: The February Revolution began on March 8, 1917. It was a revolution focused around Petrograd, now called Saint Petersburg. During that time, chaos started when demonstrators hassled onto the streets protesting