If I essay Imagine, you are going on a fun trip with your family, but it is interrupted; with a car colliding with yours. You are brought to the hospital, and are in a coma; all of your family has already died. If you wake up, you would be an orphan, but if you die, you will lose everybody else that loves you. If you go, if you stay, it is all up to you. This is what Mia from If I stay was faced with. If I stay is a book by Gayle Forman, and a movie directed by R. J. Cutler. It is about a teenager
Summary: In my rewrite of Romeo and Juliet, The Great Pink Sky follows the modern day issues of cultural bashing. Set in the modern day Anaheim, California, both Reed and Jillian face a cultural boundary that’s caused by Reed’s conservative parents that believe in the white traditions. Brought together by the school’s orchestra, Reed and Jillian become more and more close as senior year passes and is starting to come to a close. Reed, played by Asa Butterfield, is a seventeen year old boy who is
His name and image are still symbols of the company. Sanders held a number of jobs in his early life, such as steam engine stoker, insurance salesman and filling station operator. He began selling fried chicken from his roadside restaurant in North Corbin, Kentucky, during the Great Depression. Sanders recognized the potential of the restaurant franchising concept, and the first KFC franchise opened in Utah in 1952. The company's rapid expansion across the United States and overseas was overwhelming