Greeks with come out of the horse, open the gates for all their men to get in, and take the Trojans by surprise. It was a great plan, and everyone was loved the plan, because they just wanted to end the war and go home. Odysseus hired a man named Epeius to direct the building of the horse, and did a solid job. Soon it was time to try the plan. They all pulled the horse to the gates and about thirty men including Odysseus climbed inside and waited. At the end of the day, Trojans look outside the walls
first example of his intelligence was the idea and execution of his plan behind the wooden horse. He uses everyone’s' skills to share tasks with his army. He uses everyone’s' skills to get the Trojan horse done. According to the passage, it says, "Epeius, you are a master builder. I trust you will design and make us a horse that meet our needs and be worthy of Athena." The second example of his intelligence was from the movie, "The Odyssey". When they encountered the Cyclops, he came up with a quick
Trojan Horse is possibly the most well known and exemplifies his guile in an incredible manner. In Book VIII Odysseus calls upon the bard to sing of the “Wooden Horse”; “‘But now change your theme and sing to us the stratagem of the Wooden Horse, which Epeius built with Athene’s help, and which the good Odysseus contrived to get taken one day into the citadel of Troy as an ambush, manned by the warriors who then sacked the town’”. This tale further exemplifies Odysseus’s wisdom as his ingenious plan ended
Menelaus 's brother happened to be Agamemnon, who was the most powerful king amongst the Greeks. Menelaus and Agamemnon visited all of the Greek Chieftains and persuaded them to join them in a colossal expedition which they were preparing to take down Troy, Agamemnon had been chosen as commander-in-chief; next to him were the most important Greek heroes, his brother Menelaus, Patroclus, and Achilles. Two unrelated men named Ajax, Nestor and his son Antilochus, Teucer, Idomeneus, Diomedes, Odysseus
The Trojan Horse is the biggest factor in the Greeks victory in the Trojan War. It took only three days and three nights to build the Trojan Horse (“Trojan Horse”). The horse has a very complicated history, including the many people involved in it's creation, and the significant events leading up to the war itself. There was a lot of action that occurred during the final battle when the horse was used, and there were extremely plausible reasons for making it. The Trojan Horse played a major role
Talha Efe CENETOĞLU Res. Assist. Gülay Gülpınar Özoran ELIT 104 Mythology and the Epic Tradition June 10, 2015. THE GREEKS, THE TROJANS AND THE TROJAN WAR The great epic hero Hector, who is known to be the son of the King Priam, kills Patroclus with the aid of the God of Archery, Apollo. Achilles’ arms are lost, and even though the corpse is saved with an hard struggle. And because of his loss, Achilles swears to give up his anger, accommodates himself to Agamemnon, and on the next day, furnished