Financial ratio Essays

  • Technology's Financial Ratios

    904 Words  | 4 Pages

    If we look at the ratios, the financial health of Modern Technology has worsened slightly in financial year of 2015 as compared to financial year of 2014. We will look at current ratio, acid test ratio, inventory turnover ratio and receivable turnover ratio to examine Modern Technology’s liquidity as a company over the two years. Current ratio: Modern Technology’s current ratio improved slightly from year 2014 to year 2015. A higher current ratio is desirable because it shows that Modern Technology

  • Exxon Financial Ratios

    1811 Words  | 8 Pages

    2011 Financial Ratios Current Ratio = 0.8 = 59,308/71,724 Quick Ratio = 0.6 = (59,308-26,073)/71,724 Long Term Debt to Equity = 1.0 = 9,322/9,547 Inventory Turnover = 33.7 = 467,029/13,852 Total Assets Turnover = 1.5 = 467,029/321,650 Accounts Receivable Turnover = 13.4 = 467,029/34,861 Average Collection Period = 27.2 = 34,861/(467,029/365)

  • Financial Ratios For Dollar Tree

    703 Words  | 3 Pages

    Financial Ratios This week I obtained the financial ratios for Dollar Tree based on the financial statements of the company. I was able to complete my financial analysis project with the statements on the company. Below you will find the eight financial ratios that I obtained on Dollar Tree. Cash Ratio 866.4/2105.9=0.41 The cash ratio is the cash equivalent divided by the current liabilities. Without having a good cash ration then the company would not have ample amount of cash to run a business

  • Mariam & Company Financial Ratios

    1083 Words  | 5 Pages

    business may not be a financial expert. A startup often requires a loan, and investors usually require extensive financial data before they will even consider granting one. To evaluate and assess if the company financial statement we will need all the company data. The data is used to calculate financial ratios over a period of time in our case 2 years, this will grant us the possibility to describe the health of the business and the risk it presents to investors. Financial ratios highlight developments

  • Ryanair Financial Ratio Analysis

    2985 Words  | 12 Pages

    Term of Reference Background Objective Executive Summary Financial Ratios Formula Financial Ratios Analysis of BA and Ryanair Horizontal Analysis of Income Statement Vertical Common Size Analysis of Balance Sheet Comparison of the two companies Strength and Weaknesses Conclusions/recommendations --- Terms of Reference a) Background A success degree of one company can be measured by comparing its financial performance to its competitor. By assessing two companies, this will enable

  • Ltd Financial Ratios

    815 Words  | 4 Pages

    Introduction: Financial ratios provide valuable insights into a company's financial health and performance. This analysis focuses on the financial ratios of Lloyds Ltd. for the years 2014 and 2015. The ratios cover liquidity, activity, debt, profitability, and market performance. By examining these ratios, we can gain a better understanding of the company's strengths and weaknesses and assess its investment potential. Step 2: These ratios collectively provide a comprehensive overview of Lloyds

  • Financial Ratios Paper

    583 Words  | 3 Pages

    Financial Ratios Many different financial ratios can be used to evaluate a company's profitability, short-term liquidity, and long-term solvency (Heisinger & Hoyle, 2012). These ratios can provide management with valuable information about the company's financial performance and position and can be used by management to make informed decisions about the company's operations, financial strategy, and future direction. Profitability ratios measure a company's ability to generate profits and return

  • American Eagle Outfitters Financial Ratios

    451 Words  | 2 Pages

    Hired as the financial analyst for Baruch College Fund, we were tasked to analyze potential investment opportunities and present our research findings to our fund manager. We were assigned to analyze the financial positions of American Eagle Outfitters Inc. and The Buckle Company. A decision is needed to determine which company would yield a higher potential profit when selected as an investment. We will compare both companies based on their financial statements provided in their Form 10-K‘s. After

  • Analyze The Financial Ratios For Lowe's

    930 Words  | 4 Pages

    Financial Ratios for Lowe's Companies post financial reports not only because it is the law but, because it is a standard means that potential investors have of analyzing whether the company is a viable investment option. However, with all the information available in a 10k, it can be difficult to compare one company to either another company, or the sector. This is where ratios come into play. Ratios are used to compare one company to another. While they cannot be used to predict future performance

  • Cherokee Financial Ratios Paper

    556 Words  | 3 Pages

    Burlington cash ratio is .58 the cash + cash equivalents/liabilities explain the answer. According to Burlington ratio, being 0.58 the company face difficulties paying their bills because of receiving less than one dollar. If I was a manager for Burlington company, nothing I would change because of the cash + cash equivalents are 133,286 and is sufficient to meet the needs financially (Burlington Form 10-K,2018). However, I would make any changes to the company to increase the cash. A Current ratio is 2.97

  • Verizon Communications Inc. Financial Ratio Analysis

    807 Words  | 4 Pages

    As an accountant for a potential vendor, I would be interest in knowing Verizon Communications Inc.’s current ratio. I want to make sure the company has enough money to pay its bills and purchase raw materials to make the deliver products and/or services to us. The current ratio measures the liquidity a firm’s ability to meet short-term liabilities when it’s due within the next year. Most vendors’ prefers doing business on credit because it allows them to receive payments on a timely manner when

  • Financial Ratio Analysis: Gemini Electronics

    738 Words  | 3 Pages

    The first part is about liquidity. According to Gemini’s statement of cash flows, and then calculating the ratio for 2008 to 2009, the current ratio increased 0.04 from 2008 to 2009, which is 2.52 in 2008 and 2.56 in 2009. The current ratio equals to current assets / current liabilities. The higher the ratio, the stronger the liquidity of the enterprise assets and the stronger the short-term solvency. Compared to 2008, Gemini Electronics’ liquidity has improved, but still below the industry average

  • Analyzing Financial Ratios Paper

    849 Words  | 4 Pages

    whether a company’s current ratio is good or bad, why? 2. Suggest several reasons why a 2:1 current ratio might not be adequate for a particular company. 3. Why is working capital given special attention in the process of analyzing balance sheets? Also, this paper is going to illustrate the importance of those financial information to the management to make wise decisions. 1. What three factors would influence your evaluation as to whether a company’s current ratio is good or bad, why? The three

  • Financial Ratio Analysis Paper

    2071 Words  | 9 Pages

    Making sense of financial statements can be a difficult task for the average investor, however, with quantitative analysis of the information, many financial ratios can assist in analylising the company to determine its strengths and weaknesses to understand how the business is performing and where improvement is warranted. The ratios don't take into account the size of the business or the specific sector or industry involved, so comparions with any other company can be made. The table above lists

  • Financial Ratios Across Different Industries

    438 Words  | 2 Pages

    1. How do you think financial ratios differ across different industries? Compare two industries of your choice and select a few ratios and explain whether you think the ratios would be higher or lower for each of those industries and explain why. Financial ratios differ across different industries because different industries have different type of market like consumer and demands. Each industries are varies and sometime unique depending on the type of services or product they offer. Therefore

  • Halfords Financial Ratios

    2088 Words  | 9 Pages

    Introduction In this essay I will be reviewing the financial position and performance of two companies for a large institutional investor, who is considering investing in one of two companies. The two companies that I will be reviewing are Halfords plc, they both operate in the retail industry; and The Unite group plc, also provides purpose built student accommodation. Before I go into the financial positions of both companies here is a little background on both Halfords and unite group plc. The

  • P1 Unit 8 Financial Ratios

    280 Words  | 2 Pages

    Unit 8 Journal The financial ratios are mathematical ratios to help the shareholders and investors to understand the business’ financial position. These ratios also help to compare with other companies across industries. There are various financial ratios: 1) Profitability ratios. There are five profitability ratios: Gross margin, profit margin, return on assets, return on common shareholders’ equity, and earning per share. The profitability ratios are used to evaluate a business’s ability to generate

  • Financial Ratio Analysis: Square Inc.

    1217 Words  | 5 Pages

    There are a variety of ratios that can be used when trying to make an investment decision. While looking at numbers should not be the only determining factor of your decision it is still crucial to analyze certain ratios to gain a better understanding of the stock and company’s performance. In order to better understand Square Inc.’s company health, we’ve calculated different profitability, liquidity, solvency and valuation ratios. Profitability ratios are used to give us an idea of how likely it

  • Financial Ratio Analysis Of Target Corporation

    2558 Words  | 11 Pages

    Financial ratio analysis is used by both managers and investors to evaluate how well an organization is performing. Managers use these ratios to analyze both operating and financial performance through various components of the firm to determine its solvency (liquidity and leverage), efficiency (activity) and profitability (growth and profitability) (SLU, 2014). The ratios assist in identifying areas where improvements can be made as well as to identify trends (improving or deteriorating) and to

  • Xacc/280 Week 3 Financial Ratios Paper

    422 Words  | 2 Pages

    company to come up with a business strategy it first needs to come up with a financial plan. In today’s discussion will we talk about three main financial ratios. “Financial ratio is computing ratios that compare values of key accounts listed on a firm’s financial statements.” (2018. P.149) The three financial ratios are important tools that judge the leverage, profitability, and liquidity. “Profitability ratios are ratios that measure the rate of return a firm is earning on various measures of investment