regions. This makes sense because the middle region we were in was the top of a very small hill, and so the result of us having a high number of black gum tree’s corresponds with where they are usually found. Our least dominant tree was the white ash (Fraxinus Americana) tree, that had an importance value of 6.31. Looking at the species diversity the top team had the most species diversity at 6.84, we had a species diversity of 6.25 and the bottom team had the lowest species diversity of 3.55. This could
anserine (autumn hawkbit). Wet grassland habitats are mainly in low/high lying regions and the soil is usually waterlogged. This type of habitat also has frequent flooding. Group 7 was a wet-willow-alder-ash woodland that had common species such as Fraxinus excelsior (ash tree), Salix atrocinerea (grey willow) and Rubus fruticosus agg (bramble). This habitat has waterlogged soils and is common near lakes and fens. These three species were also found on our Garryland field
It is quite astonishing to take a small moment out of your day to just stop everything and observe what is happening in nature. One perceives so much more by overserving interactions and occurrences in a particular area, which begins to trigger a series of questions such as why things are happening in the certain way that they are or perhaps, why not? One can gather evidence on the historical influences within the area based on observation like disturbance, substrate and topography, which can begin
Within the year 2008, the staggering amount of 298.2 million video games were sold creating a booming video game industry worth 11.7 billion dollars! In a video game, the plastic controller dictates every move and shot of the player. Out of the 298.2 million video games sold, 15.5% was rated mature, indicating violence. However, within such a minor percentage, people find controversy with the violence in video games. People of all ages love video games, creating a high entertainment value. Video