equal citizenship. For instance it would be wrong for Public office holders to speak in a language that supports racial discrimination, or tribalism. There are many critics to democratic persuasion such as Andrew Koppelman who denies that the state has a duty to pursue it (democratic persuasion). He is skeptical about its necessity or its effectiveness. Robin West argues that democratic persuasion does not act strongly enough to protect equality. However it is the view of this paper that when
2.5.2 Chemical control This involves the application of chemicals to the weed so as to eradicate it. This method just like any other has its pros and cons. For instance, the use of chemicals can have potential adverse impacts on man and the environment. Furthermore, the chemicals may as well affect the fish population in the water body. The use of chemical control also poses a challenge especially when it is to be applied on a shared resource e.g. Lake Victoria. This then warrants a joint agreement