Musth Essays

  • The Ideal Knight In Sir Gawain And The Green Knight

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    In Sir Gawain and The Green Knight, the characteristics of the ideal knight is represented by King Arthur’s court. However, it will be challenged by The Green Knight as well as Bertilak’s court. Sir Gawain would reach a new understanding that ideals would eventually remain as ideals and that he is human, therefore it is perfectly fine to feel weak. The clashes between religion and chivalry that defines the ideal knight in King Arthur’s court. This is found in Fitt 2 where Sir Gawain reaches Sir

  • Rhetorical Analysis Of Shooting An Elephant

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    Hannah Edmiston Boudreau AP Language Friday 25 September, 2015 Shooting an Elephant Analyzing Rhetorical Devices Shooting an Elephant, written by George Orwell in 1936, describes his experience working as a British officer located in Moulmein, Burma. He writes his essay to reveal the cruelty and disastrous outcome of imperialism he witnesses. Orwell uses strong resource of language such as symbolism, metaphors and imagery to express his disdain for British imperialism. Orwell uses symbolism

  • Monkey The Journey To The Western Analysis

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    The novel Monkey: Journey to the West is one of the greatest classics of Chinese literature. The novel follows the adventure of Tripitaka followed by the protagonist, monkey and his disciples to India in order to find ancient Buddhist scriptures. The story consists of Chinese legends, tales, and superstitions. Daoism, Confucianism, and Buddhism, which are the three main religions in China, play a huge role throughout this story. In the adaptation of Monkey: Journey to the West by David Kherdian,

  • The Elephant In The Village Of The Blind Analysis

    695 Words  | 3 Pages

    “There are no facts, only interpretations” – a quote from Frederick Nietzsche which suggests there may be problems arriving at accurate conclusions regardless of how perfect physical sight is. By analyzing the short stories of “The Elephant in the Village of the Blind,” as well as “20/20” by Linda Brewer, the reader may find these very problems presented throughout the entirety of both texts. Both stories present a character whose perception of physical sight is slightly skewed, contrasted with a

  • George Orwell's Mistake In Shooting An Elephant

    260 Words  | 2 Pages

    We all know that he shoots the elephant was because thousands of people were watching behind him and expects him to do what is ought to do. He does not shoot the elephant, the British empire would also be at loss to. Even more, he has struggled a lot not to be laughed at by the people of Burmese and in an instant, it would be a historical momentum for him if chose the elephant over his pride. The main purpose of the riffle bringing it with him was just a protection from the elephant that it might

  • George Orwell British Imperialism

    427 Words  | 2 Pages

    George Orwell and Thomas Jefferson explicitly express their dislike with British imperialism in their respective works Shooting an Elephant and The Declaration of Independence, yet Orwell and Jefferson have contrasting tactics and opinions in their writing. In Orwell’s autobiographical essay, he typically focuses on himself, but in Jefferson’s condemning piece, he focuses on the American people. The persuasive devices that they utilize give their writing a distinct emotion, and the persuasive devices

  • What Are George Orwell's Motives In Shooting An Elephant

    636 Words  | 3 Pages

    George Orwell, is a very well know writer in the twentieth century, he began his writing career in 1934. Four years prior he had served five years as an imperial police officer, from these experiences he wrote on of his most famous essays, Shooting an Elephant. This essay is about him having to choose between shooting a “heated” elephant or leaving it be. He has the eyes of the Burma people watching him, and the crowd continues to grow. In the end he does end up shooting the elephant, but why? There

  • Comparing Orwell's Shooting An Elephant And The English Language

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    In Orwell’s essays Shooting an Elephant and Politics and the English Language, he uses two different modes of writing to convey similar emotions. In both essays, Orwell’s emotions can be described as defiant towards the current state of the world as a socialist. In Shooting an Elephant before the incident involving the elephant, Orwell already gives his stance on British imperialism by showing the emotional discourse between him and the Burmese locals. He then uses the elephant as a metaphor for

  • Shooting An Elephant By George Orwell

    609 Words  | 3 Pages

    We are constantly fighting an internal battle—a battle between our beliefs and what is expected of us. In the essay "Shooting an Elephant" by George Orwell, we follow the story of a man who must make a critical discussion between what he is expected to do and what he wants to do. This piece tells us the demanding situation he is put in and how he must fight internally for what he is expected to do and what he wants to do. George Orwell writes about how he was a police officer in lower Burma, a job

  • Shooting An Elephant

    750 Words  | 3 Pages

    Shooting an Elephant by George Orwell Have you ever looked at something or someone and started reminiscing negative comments in your head about them? What about cared what others thought of you and tried to play hero to get them to like you? George Orwell’s essay, “Shooting an Elephant”, is a great example of this scenario. This essay secretly hid three key points that most written documents may or may not pinpoint on. It explains how you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, animals

  • Social Injusticery In George Orwell's 'Shooting An Elephant'

    774 Words  | 4 Pages

    Quora defines social injustice as "the elimination of various human rights from a broad variance of unfair treatment that creates negative outcomes for a minority, aggregate, or underserved population." It has been said that George Orwell loved to look for people and organizations to wage verbal war with, that he had a tendency to blow small issues out of proportion, but is that what he is doing in his piece, "Shooting An Elephant"? Orwell grew up in India and knew firsthand the struggles these

  • Orwell Vs. Wallace Analysis

    675 Words  | 3 Pages

    Both Orwell and Wallace utilize humans’ understanding and relationship to animals to bring their arguments forward in their essays. Both authors describe how humans tend to brutalize animals for humans’ personal gain. In Orwell’s essay, the author talks about a chained up, tame elephant that was shot to death with a “.44 Winchester, [a gun] much too small to kill an elephant” because the elephant “was ravaging the bazaar” (Orwell 437). Likewise, in Wallace’s essay, Wallace expounds on the happenings

  • George Orwell Shooting An Elephant Analysis

    304 Words  | 2 Pages

    “Shooting an Elephant”, by George Orwell, is a story of Orwell as a cop in a barbaric society where the law was never really taken seriously. As you can probably tell from the title of the story, an elephant gets shot and Orwell is the one who did it. Many believe that Orwell killed the elephant because he was peer pressured to do so by the townspeople that were staring at him and mocking him for being a weak coward. That may seem like the right answer, but then Orwell begins to write about the thoughts

  • What Is The Cause Of Destruction In George Orwell's Shooting An Elephant

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    Why do you believe Orwell shot the elephant? Cite passages from the essay to support your belief? In Shooting An Elephant, by George Orwell, the narrator talks about an event in his past in which he shoots an elephant. He was working as the sub-divisional police officer of Moulmein, but was not looked as much of an authority figure. Even though the elephant had stopped causing destruction by the end of the story I believe Orwell did have to shoot the elephant because the elephant had caused a lot

  • Shooting An Elephant Poem Analysis

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    In room 303, I have had the great opportunity and pleasure of learning some of the most influential as well as important poems ever written. When I approached room 303 at the beginning of the year I had the same negative attitude towards the class like I do all the others. I quickly found out that Mr. McGee has an incredible gift of teaching. He makes it interesting as well as enjoyable and I appreciate that very much because I have a hard time in school. I want to get out as fast as I can but, everyday

  • George Orwell: Shooting An Elephant

    312 Words  | 2 Pages

    George Orwell: “Shooting an Elephant In “Shooting an Elephant” by George Orwell we get to look through the eyes of an officer in the India Imperial Police. Orwell represents the evils of imperialism by using symbolism including “The sea of yellow faces”, “the hunting rifle”, and “shooting the elephant”. Orwell’s use of “The sea of yellow faces” shows a deviation between the Burmese and himself. He shows this by stating “…I ought not to shoot him” (326). He doesn’t want to shoot the elephant but he

  • Shooting The Elephant Imperialism Essay

    540 Words  | 3 Pages

    “We are only falsehood, duplicity, contradiction; we both conceal and disguise ourselves from ourselves, Blaise Pascal.” Individuals in today’s society, influences and pressures people to do actions that they would normally disapprove. Whether it is to smoke, steal something, or even shoot another individual; it often associates with contradiction and much aware/concern. In, Shooting the Elephant, Orwell’s usage of symbolism in the imperialism between the countries of Britain and Burma. During

  • What Is The Symbols In George Orwell's Shooting An Elephant

    320 Words  | 2 Pages

    George Orwell, the author of “Shooting an Elephant”, uses symbols such as the elephant, the gun, and the crowd to expose the conflict between the law and one’s moral conscience. The elephant shows to conflict between the law and one’s moral conscience because the elephant possesses a lot of power, control, and strength. In this essay, the elephant destroyed homes and other items in their town. This is just a small example of how much power the elephant has. Because the elephant has so much power

  • Shooting An Elephant

    841 Words  | 4 Pages

    During the early nineteen hundred, George Orwell published his short story ‘Shooting an Elephant’. In the beginning of this story Orwell states his anger and hatred towards the British Imperialism, even though he is a British police officer. He also states his hatred toward the “evil-spirited little beasts,” the Burmese people. As the story goes on, Orwell uses an impeccable way of writing. Swiftly switching the tone between narration and his personal experience and opinions into the story. For example

  • Comparing 'Shooting An Elephant And No Witchcraft For Sale'

    527 Words  | 3 Pages

    In my english class we had read two stories, one called “Shooting An Elephant” by George Orwell and the other one is called “No Witchcraft for Sale” by Doris Lessing. In these two stories there was really good messages that were in them and that were real life problems or things that has happened. I really enjoyed both stories. The first story was about an elephant that went on must and the man couldn’t handle it and shot it dead. The other story was about the whites and blacks situation The first