Peshwa Essays

  • Hillary Jordan Mudbound Thesis Statement

    2100 Words  | 9 Pages

    Mudbound Thesis Statement: In Hillary Jordan’s 2008 novel Mudbound, The novel takes place in the late 1940’s in Mississippi, It talks about the life of two families one black and one white, and what issues that they deal with daily as farm owners and sharecroppers and the novels meaning is the struggle is real no matter who and what you are. Hillary Jordan the author of Mudbound, I was wondering why she wrote this novel and what was her inspiration of it and I found out from this NPR interview her

  • The Balloon Pops Analysis

    1962 Words  | 8 Pages

    Shortly afterwards the poet refers to the hand as 'a dozing whale on the sea bottom'(78) in comparison to the face which is a 'tiny, self-important ship / On the surface' (79-80), describing the gesture of the hand as 'neither embrace nor warning / But which holds something of both in pure / Affirmation that doesn't affirm anything' (98-100). There is a growing sense of frustration with the impossibility of reaching the distanced soul within the face of the portrait when, quite unexpectedly, the

  • Devdutt Pattanaik: The Role Of Animals In Hindu Mythology

    1727 Words  | 7 Pages

    According to the famous mythologist Devdutt Pattanaik who gives crude exponential explanation to the infamous subject of animals in Hinduism he says “Animals play a critical part in Hindu mythology. Some serve as symbols to communicate metaphysical ideas. Others, as in the story earlier, are animal forms of the divine. Most commonly they serve as `vahanas’ or vehicles of the gods.” This stands true for Elephant named Airavarta who is the ‘vahan’ of Indra. Airavarta; whose name means “the one who