Problem of evil Essays

  • The Argument For The Problem Of Evil

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    prove or disprove the existence of God, and the Problem of Evil is one of them. The Problem of Evil argues that it is impossible to have God and evil existing in the same world. Due to ideal characteristics of God, evil should not have a chance to exist and make human suffer. In this essay, I will examine the argument for the Problem of Evil, a possible theodicy against the argument, and reply to the theodicy. First of all, to be clear, the Problem of Evil is an argument that shows that God cannot be

  • Problem Of Evil

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    Classic discussions of the problem of evil have not necessarily made an anthropomorphic distinction. Devastating floods and bloody feuds have been lumped together as evidence calling into question either omnipotence or goodness. If we would attribute something to human agency in these situations seems to make little difference, since a debate whether humans themselves possess a capacity for evil is not really on the table. Why does it matter? We, a (the) product of an (the) omnipotent and omniscient

  • Evil: The Ideal Problem Of Evil

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    evidential problem of evil is a complication of deciding if evil does exist and to what length. As well if there are different kinds of evil, how much evil there is, and can the evil be shared. With the reality of evil, it helps creates evidence in contrast to the existence of God. Also, this attempt to show that, once everything is put aside, it can help support of the existence of God. Also, that is created and administered by omnipotence, omniscience, and perfect goodness. The logical problem of evil

  • The Local Problem Of Evil By Peter Van Inwagen

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    “The Problem of Evil” by Peter van Inwagen, is a series of lectures that that presents van Inwagen’s various responses to problem of evil. In this essay, I will present “the local problem of evil” (from chapter 6 of the book), the solution van Inwagen proposes for this problem, and my critique of his solution. “The local problem of evil,” according to van Inwagen, is the hypothetical response an atheist would have towards van Inwagen’s solution of “the global problem of evil” which is, “If god existed

  • Dostoevsky: The Problem Of Evil

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    unjust evil innocents face because of humanity’s sinful actions. Ivan’s words shed light to the idea of idealism versus reality. Realizing that cruelty is present in the lives of the most innocent, lead me to assert that evil is a real problem as it intervenes between the harmonic and idealistic view that the world consists of genuine, good people. Additionally, in the theist point of view, God has the absolute power to manipulate the circumstances his people are encountering. In The Problem of Evil

  • Problem Of Evil Argument

    1279 Words  | 6 Pages

    In this paper, I will begin by stating the Problem of Evil. Following this I will include two objections to the argument and why I find the argument to not be convincing. The Problem of Evil is an argument concerning the existence of God and why God cannot exist because of the presence of evil in the world. The argument begins by saying that God is both all-powerful and wholly good, and that evil exists in the world. However, these statements contradict each other, so all three cannot be true. The

  • Problem Of Evil Argument Essay

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    ‘’The problem of evil argument’’ as it has been a longstanding challenge for those who believe in the existence of God. It is a very interesting philosophical issue that is often used as an argument against the existence of an all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-good God. The problem of evil is concerned with reconciling the existence of evil and suffering in the world with the idea of a benevolent deity. In this essay, I will in the best of my understanding state and explain the problem of evil

  • The Problem Of Evil John Stoott

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    The Problem of Evil - Introduction John Stott has said that "the fact of suffering undoubtedly constitutes the single greatest challenge to the Christian faith." It is unquestionably true that there is no greater obstacle to faith than that of the reality of evil and suffering in the world. Indeed, even for the believing Christian, Judaism and Islam there is no greater test of faith than this--that the God who loves him permits him to suffer, at times in excruciating ways. And the disillusionment

  • Problem Of Evil Argument Analysis

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    The question of evil and God 's role in it, or at least the role we believe he should play, has spanned long over time. An ancient Greek philosopher Epicurus pondered the subject during his lifetime: "Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?". (Slane, 2013) This line of thought remains highly relevant with

  • Problem Of Evil Swinburne Analysis

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    Daniel Ertel Professor Hunt Phil 1010-01 October 1st, 2016 Is Gods Existence compatible with the existence of evil? One of the most dated arguments on the topic of God’s existence is whether its’ existence is compatible with the existence of evil. In his dissertation, “The Problem of Evil,” by Richard Swinburne, he attempts to demonstrate how evil can coexist in a world created by an omnipotent (all-powerful) and benevolent being. In his first objection, he argues that there is an omnipotent

  • Voltaire's Candide: The Problem Of Evil

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    The problem of evil philosophy has been a long debated topic. The idea that God is almighty, God is perfectly good, and evil exists has many different sides, which sparks many different explanations. During Candide, Voltaire addresses the topic with multiple examples applying to both moral and natural evils. However, the problem of evil to me is not as simple as one answer. I believe that there needs to be a certain extent of evil to bring out good and that is why God created it. Candide by Voltaire

  • The Holocaust: The Problem Of Evil In The Holocaust

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    Introduction The problem of evil has been a major concern in the human race with various attempts being made to reconcile the belief in God with the existence of evil in this world. The Christian conception of God as supremely good and powerful has made the problem of evil to be very difficult simply because such a being will make the world a better place than it is by preventing evil from causing pain and suffering to humanity. Both Christianity and Judaism face a great challenge to solve the

  • Argumentative Essay: The Problem Of Evil

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    “The Problem of Evil” is simply the question, why does God allow evil to happen? God is omnipotent, omniscient, all-loving, and rational, therefore why does evil exist? There is either no God or he is not what we think he is, since evil could be prevented by him with no risk. Atheists and anti-theodicist see a problem with the idea that God could prevent evil. They believe that because God is so powerful and perfect, that he would not allow such immoral actions to be done. On the other hand, theists

  • Richard Swinburne's Problem Of Evil

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    examines the problem of evil. The plan of the paper is as follows. First, I will explain the problem of evil. Second, I will present the reasons that support and defend the problem of evil argument’s premises. Third, I will discuss the criticisms of the problem of evil. Finally, I will evaluate the debate, specifically what is right and wrong with the criticisms and whether the problem of evil survives the criticisms discussed. Evil exists everywhere in the world. There are two broad types of evil. The first

  • Problem Of Evil Research Paper

    300 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Problem of Evil The main problem with evil is “this is a serious objection to the existence of God” (Kreeft, P. 2013). This objection to God is destroying people, lives, families, and relationships. Evil makes people do bad things, even good people fall victim to evil thoughts, actions, and words. It works against people to cause problems between families, parents, husbands and wives, siblings, and other loved ones. Evil is defined by Oxford Dictionary (2015), as “profound immorality, wickedness

  • Kaufman's Argument For The Problem Of Evil

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    The problem of evil questions how to reconcile the existence of evil with a God whom is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnibenevolent. If this were true, God would know about evil, would be able to do something, and would want to do something. Yet there is still evil today. The logical problem of evil attempts to prove that the existence of any evil contradicts the existence of an omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent God. If this God exists, then evil does not. However, evil does exist. Therefore

  • Adams Arguments On The Deductive Problem Of Evil

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    The deductive problem of evil is the observed inconsistency between the definition of God’s omnipotence, omniscience, and wholly good qualities and the existence of evil. Adams attempts to address this observed contradiction, first by referencing previous arguments of how God must have some wholly good reason to allow these evils but she concludes that not only is this argument insufficient but it is also insensitive to people’s immense sufferings. Adams then suggests that this inconsistency won’t

  • John Hicks's Argument On The Problem Of Evil

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    John Hicks argument on the problem of evil openly claims that the Irenaean Tradition is the most logical and most accurate in terms why God allows “evil” on earth. For a very long time the Irenaean tradition was unpopular compared to the Augustinian tradition until recently. People who believe in the Irenaean tradition believe that mans sinful nature is not because they are trying to intentionally displease God, but because man is going through an imperfect world in which evil exists as a process to

  • Problem Of Evil Suggests There Is No God Essay

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    Why the Problem of Evil Suggests There is No God The typical definition of God is an omniscient, omnipotent, perfectly good being. A perfectly good God is expected to protect His creations from evil and/or stop any form of it from happening, but that is not the case in our world. People are responsible for so much pain and suffering today that the problem of evil as John Hick explained is the most believable explanation as to why I do not think there is a God. Hick states that God is universally

  • The Logical Argument Regarding The Problem Of Evil

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    logical argument concerning the problem of evil stems from two propositions that seem difficult to hold true at the same time: there exists an omniscient, omnipotent, and omnibenevolent God and there are great amounts of suffering and evil in the world. This argument concludes that since there is moral and natural evil in the world, that an omnipotent, omniscient, and omnibenevolent God cannot exist since an omnipotent, omniscient, and omnibenevolent God would not create evil, or would at least seek to