Robin Hood Essays

  • Robin Hood Controversy

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    literature reference to Robin Hood dating back to around 1400CE. Who is Robin Hood you might ask? Well Robin Hood is a famous legend that has proven to be one of the most influential characters in the world. He had near-religious significance in particular parts in England.There are several variations of the Robin Hood legend as well as many different tales and adventures of the boy but all of them have the same aspect, that he stole from the rich and gave to the poor. But Robin Hood was not alone, he

  • Robin Hood Robin And Chuck Comparison

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    Robin Hood confronts the death of his previous life which includes a young lad that just wants to make a name for himself as a great archer who unfortunately goes through some tough situations that lead him into a dangerous game of cat and mouse between the sheriff of the Notinghamshire and the legendary Robin Hood. “When Robin was just eighteen, the Sheriff of Nottingham offered a prize for the best archer in the land. Robin felt sure he could win!” (Pyle, page 2)  By winning the competition he

  • Robin Hood Quotes

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    Robin hood purpose throughout history as a heroic hoodlum has developed to a portal to authors. Robin hood has captured audiences throughout centuries with his talents and adventures. Robin hood is an experienced archer who would pilfer from the affluent and provided the unprivileged. Robin Hood has evolved over time as a legendary hero that is a champion archer and authors have created different depictions of robin hood throughout different stories. To begin with

  • Robin Hood Sparknotes

    1068 Words  | 5 Pages

    The main point of Robin Hood is known by most everybody, “Take from the rich and give to the poor”, but not everyone knows the actual story. In this essay I will be telling the events of chapters 5-8 in The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood by Howard Pyle. This story is about the adventures of Robin Hood and his merry men. In these few chapters we will see fights, traps, tricks, and more exciting events. This is definitely a very eventful book. Chapter 5 starts out with Robin coming up with a plan

  • Robin Hood Research Paper

    3029 Words  | 13 Pages

    Robin Hood Robin Hood, leader, and iconic figure of the Merry Men of Sherwood forest, has been the main character for many of the tales and stories, as well as an arguable figure of historical research. Even though Robin Hood is more folklore than proven historical fact, he is one of the longest lasting legends and the truth behind his myth is still unknown to this very day. Robin Hood was one of the biggest and most iconic outlaws of his time. In many stories Robin was said to be born in AD 1160

  • How Is Robin Hood Virtuous

    288 Words  | 2 Pages

    Robin Hood is virtuous in three different ways in The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood by Howard Pyle. Robin Hood is just, he does not deliberately injure others if not necessary, and he helps others when they are in need. Robin is just when Little John steals the Sheriff's silver dishes but, Robin returns them saying “I have never heard of you wronging your tenants. Therefore, take back your silver, nor will I take from you even a penny today” (88). Little John disobeys Robin Hood by going to

  • Research Paper On Robin Hood

    594 Words  | 3 Pages

    Robin to Robin Hood Somebody once said “Your life doesn’t get better by chance, it gets better by change”. Robin Hood was a central character in the book and he faced plentiful challenges. He met varied people and went frequent places. In the novel, The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood, Robin Hood went through changes that definitely impacted him in some way. Threats changed his title, different lifestyles changed the way he lived, and sickness changed his heart. During his journeys threats were

  • Robin Hood Chapter 5

    1181 Words  | 5 Pages

    following paragraphs will be summarizing chapters five through eight in The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood. We’ll be going through the beginning of how Robin became a meat butcher for a whole day to how a suspicious Tanner ended up joining his crew. These chapters will be filled with many surprises, humor, and more to come for the excited readers. In the beginning of chapter five, we start off with Robin Hood, who’s twenty years old, wanting to get back at the Sheriff for almost bringing him captive

  • Robin Hood Research Paper

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    The story of Robin Hood is one of the most interesting, and most fascinating of all stories told. He was a young boy, going out to an archery competition. He stumbles upon some men that make fun of him. He ends up killing one of them, making him a wanted person by a sheriff. The sheriff tried catching Robin Hood, but it was impossible for him to do it by himself. He tried to find someone to catch but no one wanted a piece of Robin Hood for everybody knew how good he was with a bow. He hides

  • Robin Hood Research Paper

    1430 Words  | 6 Pages

    are about Robin Hood and how he went through of each of these tasks. In my opinion I think Robin is a good person, but other people may not. All Robin wanted to do was help the poor people in the town he lived at. The author of this book is Howard Pyle. This book is a mixture of stories and tales of Robin Hood and what he did for the people of his land. So I am going to tell you what I think of Robin Hood and also what other people thought about him. The merry adventures of Robin Hood is a book

  • Robin Hood Research Paper

    652 Words  | 3 Pages

    For over 700 years the folklore Robin Hood has existed(“The Real Robin Hood”). The birth of Robin Hood was noted for the year of 1160(“Johnson”). In South Yorkshire, the British Museum has an account of Robin`s life. Robin Hood was an outlaw living in the Sherwood Forest with his “Merry Men” according to the legend(“Johnson”). Some argue that Robin was a mythological character, and that the stories written about him are filled with symbolic meaning(Dhwty”). Robin Hood traditionally wore Lincoln green

  • Robin Hood Research Paper

    358 Words  | 2 Pages

    Along with King Arthur, Robin Hood was the most enduring legend heroes. There are many tales of him but many changes to them and that is what makes him a legend. The first story of him Is that he was a very skilled bowman and very talented swordsman. The second Tale of him is that he steals to the rich but only to give the poor. Then they later added Maid Marian to serve as his love interest. She was a 16 cent addition to the story. The latest reference is in Langland's Piers Plowman, in it, one

  • Robin Hood Research Paper

    908 Words  | 4 Pages

    Among those legends, Robin Hood has been one of the most popular folk lore stories. The legend has been passed down over 700 years through many different books, films, songs, and poems. Despite all the variations of this legend, it has mainly been told that an outlaw from Nottinghamshire managed to steal from the rich and give it to the poor. The question remains whether the legend of Robin Hood and his outlaws even real? If so, how did the legend evolved over time?  Robin Hood is known as the legendary

  • Why Is Robin Hood Bad

    816 Words  | 4 Pages

    In the film, The Adventures of Robin Hood, Robin Hood and his Merry Men are a group of men that all have some sort of reason to follow somebody because they have nobody else to follow. This could be either they are poor, had a bad life, or just need to do something different in their lives. They would follow a man named Robin Hood. These men were actually outlaws because they would do illegal acts, but they would do these illegal acts for the good. They would for example, steal rich people's money

  • Robin Hood Research Paper

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    earliest recordings of Robin Hood date back all the way to the 15th century. He was involved in games and plays during May Day. Infamously known as a popular folk hero in the English culture, Robin Hood’s tale is easily recognizable today. There’s books, comics, films and the ballads detailing all about the various legends in their own depiction. The most popular conception of Robin Hood is a town hero, who stole from the rich and gave to the poor. A very popular portrayal of Robin Hood is he wears a feathered

  • Robin Hood Research Paper

    768 Words  | 4 Pages

    great accomplishments, famous legends, and the historic figures the legend is based on, it is clear Robin Hood is a famous folk hero. Robin Hood is the subject of many stories and legends. It is a little disappointing to know that the famous outlaw in lincoln green is just that, a legend. Still, the legends are based on real people. According to the website, “the legend of Robin Hood is made up of a lot of different, often contradictory tales.” Historians have searched for possible

  • Robin Hood Research Paper

    1231 Words  | 5 Pages

    Robin Hood has been told for over 800 years and entrained everyone with the many different versions of the story. Through out the versions he has killed groups of men and stole money from the sheriff, to not killing anyone but still stole money from the sheriff to give to the poor people of Nottingham. There are various records of people named Robin or Robert Hood. Some were outlaws. These real Robin Hoods lived in different places and times. Scholars have widely varying theories as to whether any

  • Robin Hood Research Paper

    931 Words  | 4 Pages

    The story of Robin Hood is possibly one of the most famous English folklore stories of all time. He has made numerous appearances in everything including movies, plays, short stories, songs, books etc… it is truly hard to find someone who has not heard of the legend of Robin Hood. However, the story as all great things has greatly evolved since its “estimated creation roughly 800 years ago”; although many have chosen to stick to the original a few have wondered off the beaten path and into the unknown

  • Robin Hood Research Paper

    270 Words  | 2 Pages

    One of the villains from my childhood that stands out most is the Sheriff of Nottingham of the Robin Hood stories. The Sheriff of Nottingham is certainly the villain of the legends, despite his position as sheriff to Robin Hood’s bandit. The Sheriff is typically considered to be a political appointee by Prince John, unfit to be sheriff, yet given the position for their mutual benefit. With a corrupt sheriff collecting taxes, the Prince could squeeze more money out of the townspeople and more closely

  • Research Paper On Robin Hood

    441 Words  | 2 Pages

    Olivia Lejeune BUS 470 Professor Gu September 13, 2017 Robin Hood 1. Robin Hood has a few different problems going on. First, he already has a conflict with the Sheriff and his administration making him vengeance. He grew this group of his disciplined and living against the law. Making himself Supreme and the only one to make decisions was another problem. In doing this, it was his side only which could be viewed. His final problem is watching every move of the Sheriff. I think each of these problems