Valaciclovir Essays

  • Mandatory Vaccines Should Be Mandatory

    1321 Words  | 6 Pages

    Mandatory VaccinationsGood Morning!My name is Fatema and today I will be talking to you about introducing a policy thatmakes all vaccines mandatory. Immunization is process that makes an individual immune orresistant to a certain diseases, by administrating vaccines. Vaccines are basically the proof forthe saying “practice makes perfect”. The process involves introducing the microbes of aninfectious disease in a controlled amount to allow the body’s immune system to fight it. Oncethe body has fought

  • SOAP Evaluation

    1621 Words  | 7 Pages

    SOAP Evaluation 1. Sign and symptoms/Clinical presentation of disease process a. How did your patient present: 62 y.o. white, female patient with past medical history of hypertension, diabetes mellitus, hypercholesterolemia, hypothyroidism, and obesity presented with chief complaint of a painful vesicular rash on her back down to her waist. “The rash is very painful. It’s a continuous stabbing, burning pain.” She rates the pain 8/10. Pt. reports self-medicating with NSAID, but it was ineffective