Native American Authors
Ignatia Broker (Ni-BO-WI-SE-GWE) , 1919-1987
Ignatia Broker was concerned with bridging generation gaps for the Ojibway. She was born on the White Earth Reservation in Minnesota in 1919 and died in 1987. She attended the Indian boarding school at Wahpeton Indian Boarding School in North Dakota. Broker was an Ojibway elder and storyteller. Over the course of her life she worked to educate the public about Native American people. She founded the Minnesota Indian Historical Society. She was involved with the Upper Midwest American Indian Center in Minneapolis. She wrote the Night Flying Woman, a story rich in Ojibway traditions. Broker died in 1987.
Online resources by or about Ignatia Broker:
Ignatia Broker
Author: Katie O’Gara
Type: authorbio
Description: This page is part of a series from Voices from the Gaps: Women Writers of Color produced by the Department of English and Programs in American Studies at the University of Minnesota. Included is an in-depth biography, selected bibliography and related links.
URL: http://voices.cla.umn.edu/authors/IgnatiaBroker.html
Books by Ignatia Broker:
Broker, Ignatia. Night flying woman : an Ojibway narrative
St. Paul : Minnesota Historical Press, 1983.
Genre: Nonfiction
Audience: Youth
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