Adam Farmer In Robert Cormier's I Am The Cheese

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¨Who am I? I am Adam Farmer. But who am I? I am Adam Farmer. But Adam Farmer was only a name, words, a lesson he had learned here in the cold room and in that other room with the questions and answers¨ (Cormier 92). Adam Farmer of Robert Cormier's novel, I Am The Cheese, is the protagonist in this story, and he undergoes numerous transformations. The plot describes his journey to find his father, his memories of his haunted past , and his ongoing interrogation in a mental facility. Adam is a reserved, quiet, and disturbed individual who appears to be terrified of everything, especially the truth. As a dynamic character, Adam´s changes are evident through memories of his bike trip, his “clues” and his hospital stay. When the reader first meets …show more content…

He walks through the hospital and reveals that Adam or Paul is allowed to ride his bike around the premise if he promises not to leave, as he is a patient in the hospital. Whipper and the other guys stay in the hospital with him, the dog Silver chases him while he rides his bike. ¨Once when I was riding the bike around the grounds- Dr. Dupont allows me to do this if I promise not to leave the place.¨ ( 225) This shows Adams allowed to ride the bike around the hospital which explains his bike trip. During his bike trip, Adam stopped to eat somewhere where these men teased him. ¨ Well what do you know- the traveler´s back.¨ Whipper says. He sits on the porch with his two friends, Dobbie and Lewis. They are wise guys. I don't look at them.¨ This shows the men who teased them when he stopped for food, were really just other patients at the hospital. While Adam was on his bike trip he ran into a dog he was scared of. Sliver is a German shepherd and he is ferocious. He chases me whenever I ride my bike.¨ (226) This explains that really the dog he ran into was just Silver. Adam also finds out his father and mother are dead. ¨ My father is dead, isn't he? I ask. I know that my mother is dead.¨ Adam asks Dr. Dupont while he's on his hospital bed. During this whole novel, Adam is in the hospital, thinking he is on a journey because he decided to not take his meds in the morning. All the encounters throughout his bike trip are

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