
An Analysis Of Major General Sir Arthur William Currie

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Major General Sir Arthur William Currie believed preparation was the key to ultimate success: “Thorough preparation must lead to success. Neglect nothing.” (Brewster 16) An analysis of Currie’s reliance on preparation, his tactical modus operandi, and his strategic approach reveals that Arthur Currie elevated strategic and tactical thinking to the realm of high art while commanding Canadian Forces during World War 1. By doing so, he manifested all of the qualities of precise planning. Currie was the epitome of preparation. Before he became a general, his higher ranked officer, Julian Byng, sent him on an expedition to research tactics and strategies in the French Forces. (Barris 41) Upon his return from the expedition, Currie learnt that …show more content…

This shows precise attention to detail and preparation for the battle at Vimy Ridge. Another strategy Currie adopted on his expedition was the organization of platoons. “Each division, each battalion, each company, but especially each platoon had to be selected according to the job each was to carry out. … each now consisting of an officer, several sergeants, fifteen riflemen, eleven bombers, an equal number of grenadiers, a Lewis machine – gun crew of six, a couple of scouts, and stretcher bearer.” (Barris 41-42) This proves that by organizing these miniature armies, it not only improves military efficiency, but also displays …show more content…

He did an excellent job of identifying the plan of attack on the battlefield. At Amiens during the Hundred Days Campaign, eliminating Germans was the overall strategy. “The objective was to eliminate the German-held bulge that threatened to cut the vital rail link between Paris and Amiens, and the key to attack, to be launched by the Canadians and the Australian Corps, was surprise.” (Granatstien 19) This shows that Currie was able to identify his ultimate goals and devise a plan to achieve them. Currie developed a very clever strategy at Amiens during the Hundred Days Campaign. “In Amiens, the infantry battalions were to attack on a wide front of a thousand yards, double that of 1917. The main body of men were preceded by sections of ‘skirmishers’ (or scouts) who located the enemy strongpoints, then pointed them out to the tanks, which could then target and eliminate them. This would enable the men to filter through enemy lines rather than tackling enemy positions all at once.” (Granatstien 13) This allows the troops to filter through enemy lines rather than facing all of them head on. Major General Currie was very smart and knew how to buy more time on the battlefield. “In the Kitchener woods near St. Julien, Arthur Currie launched an assault to buy more time for Canadians to fill the gap on the battlefield.” (Granatstien 45) This demonstrates his intelligence, fast thinking, and his abilities to develop excellent strategies.

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