Reaction Paper About Anger

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Everyone goes through a stage of squeezing out their emotions. But every now and then we might have seen some of our friends or loved ones getting angry quite easily or sometimes we get so angry. Anger is an emotive response generated in reaction to some threat or frustration. National Anger Management Association defines anger in simple terms as a negative emotion or mood (NAMA).
Anger can be bad for a person ranging from minor irritation to severe fury. Anger basically is not certainly a savage feeling. It compels many people to feel tough and dominant, which can motivate them to stand up for what they believe is right mainly in some undesirable situations. (D.). Similarly, anger in many cases stimulates people to exceed in games and other fields where it is helpful to take a reasonable stand.
From mild to sturdy forms, anger …show more content…

Chaotic anger can give way to quarrels, bodily abuse and many other things. Parallel to this, fine supervised anger can be a beneficial feeling that encourages you to do some optimistic things.
In extreme anger, our body gets ready for the situation of fight or flight. The adrenal glands in our body flood the system with stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. The brain leaves the gut and starts to pump uneven blood to muscles, preparing them for a physical exertion. Anger can a person’s body heat, their heart pace, breathing and blood pressure (Robinson). This flood in case of unmanaged anger can cause serious harm to body at different levels.
Anger results in short and long term problems, some including; a headache, stomach ache, anxiety, insomnia, melancholy, heart attack and many others (Better Health channel).
Anger can not only effect you but the people around you as well. The saying about laughter being contagious may somehow stand well of anger as well. It can make people around you afraid, upset, and a handful of many other undesirable emotions.

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