Civil Rights Movement Essay

1123 Words5 Pages

Joshua Shazier
English III
Mrs. Thomas
April 28, 2028
Civil Rights Movements
The Civil Rights Movement of the mid-20th century was a pivotal moment in American history that paved the way for greater equality and social justice for African Americans. However, despite the progress made over the past several decades, many civil rights issues continue to plague our society. Some of the most pressing issues facing African Americans today include ongoing struggles with racial discrimination, pervasive poverty and inequality, and troubling disparities within the justice system. Although the fight for civil rights is far from over, it is important that we acknowledge and address these issues if we hope to achieve a more just and fair society for …show more content…

This harsh reality reveals the deep-seated disparities in the criminal justice system. Nellis further emphasizes that evidence suggests these racial and ethnic disparities in arrest rates are partially driven by racially biased policing practices, including racial profiling. Despite the progress made, these findings highlight the ongoing challenges in knocking down systemic racism and achieving true equality. Furthermore, the consequences of racial profiling extend beyond individual arrests and incarcerations, as it erodes trust between law enforcement agencies and the communities they serve. This erosion of trust further perpetuates the cycle of discrimination and hinders efforts toward building a more just and inclusive society. Addressing racial profiling and its underlying biases is crucial in order to create a criminal justice system that treats all individuals fairly and impartially, regardless of their racial or ethnic background. Racial profiling is not the only problem regarding racial discrimination. Stereotyping, fueled by implicit biases, significantly impacts how individuals in the criminal justice system perceive and treat individuals of different races and ethnicities. Implicit biases are unconscious associations that individuals hold about various …show more content…

However, many of the issues that the movement was supposed to solve are still around. If this world is going to change and evolve we must strive to make it equal for all people regardless of their race or

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