
Compare Anthem For Doomed Youth And Dulce Et Decorum Est

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Wilfred Owen was an English poet who experienced war and his own death during his service on the Western Front. Contrary to many pro-war poets, he wrote on the horrors of World War I. His poems always speak of the brutality of war which is described in a shocking way through the implementation of techniques such as imagery, alliteration, metaphors, similes that provoke a great impact on the reader. Owen wrote about the horrors of war because he wanted to show people the truth about war, he wanted to share a realistic idea of what it was like to fight in war and how society’s perception of war was being faultily constructed by propaganda. In order to support this view, I will analyse the poems Anthem for doomed youth and Dulce Et Decorum Est.
Patriotic organizations (as the Central Committee for National Patriotic Organizations) and nationalists views help establish a propaganda machine that twist the real image of war. Even before the war broke out in 1914, many people saw the conflict with Germany inevitable considering the vast amounts of pro-war propaganda circulated by the government, the press private patriotic organizations, and even popular British authors. Its purpose was to "build up the image of national and allied leaders as the embodiment of courage, heroism, and resolution, while the enemy leaders become the embodiment of evil and the scapegoats for the war." To the British, it was their duty to fight against Germany; it was a just cause that should be
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