
Dresden In Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse Five

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The setting plays a powerful and constant reminder to the reader of the consequences of the human condition. Slaughterhouse Five, taking place around WWII involves many places, one main one being Dresden. It is seen by many as one of the greatest man made disasters in history and was oddly caused by allied forces. As horrible as it might be, Kurt Vonnegut says at the beginning of his book that “I thought, too, that [the book about Dresden] would be a masterpiece―But not many words about Dresden came from my mind then ― And not many come to mind now…” (Vonnegut 2). Having forgotten one of the most important parts of his life, it hints at how pointless war is and how something as big as Dresden can be forgotten as time goes on. Billy Pilgrim …show more content…

Even though she plays a minor role, Vonnegut uses her as another way to speak directly to the reader, vocalizing his opinions on war. In this instance she states… “You were just babies in the war—like the ones upstairs! […] But you’re not going to write it that way are you? […] You’ll pretend you’re man instead of babies…” (14). She goes on to say that war will continue because of the human tendency to glamorize war in the media. Society will continue to urge on war and the death it brings. Another, less preferred, title for Slaughterhouse Five is The Children’s Crusade. To describe the significance of this title, in Peter Reed’s essay he states that, “The obvious parallels with the rising of a modern army are that people sent to die are in both cases young, innocent, and uncomprehending. […] The “noble” intentions [They have] may bear little relation to the actual purposes or accomplishments of [War]” (Reed 12). Reed reiterates the idea that all who join the war are childish is due to the fact that they have an altered, romanticized vision of war. They are filled with a sense of nationalism that society builds up overtime and causes them to become pawns for the those who create the conflict. Connecting back to what negative effects war can have, Slaughterhouse Five indulges in the idea that the fact that wars occur creates the illusion that war is glorious in some way, inciting more war and more people unintentionally promoting

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