
Duality In Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde

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Duality is a change of emotion within, seen through physical change, and can be many different personalities contained in one body. Duality can be found in anything, but in the case of literature and life we can see when there is a duality in someone's life it shows a positive and negative side of their personality. This is seen in my life when I’m calm and collected playing soccer versus when I’m frustrated. This is also seen in Robert Louis Stevenson’s Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde when Dr. Jekyll is collected and friendly versus when he is Mr. Hyde and has a more evil and impulsive personality. In my life as an athlete I experience duality that reveals two sides of my personality being serious and responsible, but the actions of others sometimes …show more content…

“Sorry coach, it is just that we lost a tournament everyone was so excited about, and now everyone is ignoring that and continuing our season like that never happened. We are back to messing around in practice, and it shows through our bad touches and passes.” Coach sighs and responds, “I understand your frustration, and I feel it too, but let me worry about the team and you focus on keeping yourself contained. We need you to stay level-headed, so our whole team won’t fall …show more content…

Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, the duality between Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde shows a difference between an evil personality versus a good personality within the body of Dr. Jekyll. One example of the personality change is evident when Dr. Jekyll cuts off Mr. Hyde and his friends notice once, “the dark influence of Mr. Hyde had been withdrawn, the doctor had returned to his old tasks and amities; a week ago, the prospect had smiled with every promise of a cheerful and an honoured age; and now in a moment, friendship, and peace of mind, and the whole tenor of his life were wrecked.” (Pg. 36-37) Dr. Jekyll was under the influence of a friend, Mr. Hyde which made his whole personality change, but once this figure was removed from his life he returned to his happy and friendly self. Then a sharp change occurred and everything went back to the way he acted when he was with Mr. Hyde, evil, dark, and disconnected. Dr. Jekyll later in his statement admitted he had two personalities saying, “Although I had now two characters as well as two appearances, one was wholly evil and the other was still the old Henry Jekyll.” Dr. Jekyll is writing to Utterson about how he is full of these two personalities with one being evil and one being who he used to be, but both are contained in one

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