
Duke Ellington Essay

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All genres of music have someone who is well known for their talents and contributions towards their genre. Duke Ellington was a big hit during his time and continues to inspire people in the jazz industry. His career lasted about 50 years allowing him to move the souls of many with his ear for wonderful music. During this time he wrote many songs and even a contemporary songbook. Ellington was an amazing composer, pianist, and conductor. Ellington was born April 29th1899 in Washington, D.C. His parents were also musically inclined which allowed them to raise such a talented son. At the age of 15, Ellington began playing the piano again. This tome he stuck with it and ended up writing his first composition “Soda Fountain Rag”. …show more content…

Ellington began performing at the age of 17 then later progressed into preforming for nightclubs in Broadway. Starting out at such a young age Ellington was able to support his love for jazz by hanging out with music students who attended Howard University, and advance music in America early on. Ellington did not only compose music for his bands. He was involved with projects for films, musical comedies, stage productions, and symphony orchestras. Even during the last few years of his life Ellington was working on developing an opera. Ellington was not only advancing music, but he was inspiring fellow African American musicians. During this time African Americans were segregated and unable to play in “whites only” clubs. Ellington’s talent paved ways for other African American musicians to participate in musical groups. I feel that this relates to the mutual welfare and brotherhood of musical students because he was unknowingly helping out fellow musical students in the United States. Ellington was reviewed by many critics some saying ““incomparable powers of rhapsodic …show more content…

During his lifetime he received 9 Grammy awards and 2 after he died. Duke was loyal to his making of music as well. Even after getting married and having a child he continued to create music for his listeners. Dukes’ last words were "Music is how I live, why I live and how I will be remembered." Brothers in Phi Mu Alpha do not only rely on each other for support they have music as well. These men have come together for a common reason and that reason is music. Ellington’s love for music would have allowed him to contribute to some of the Fraternity’s ideals. A value of the fraternity states “Sinfonia champions the power of music”, meaning that music has the power to move you in ways that no other force can achieve. Dukes’ last words support this value it shows that music allowed him to live a life that he was satisfied with. In order to become a Sinofnian it requires a lot of hard work and presents itself with many challenges. Duke faced many challenges in his life, being an African American or just a man who wanted to play music in order to inspire those around him. These are not easy things to overcome in life. Not everyone was supportive of his

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