
Elizabeth Ergot Poisoning In The Crucible By Arthur Miller

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The Crucible was about the Salem Witch Trials. The duration of these “trials” were a time of general revenge based on jealousy, lust, and possibly the effects of ergot poisoning. More than two hundred men and women were accused of witchcraft. Twenty of which were executed, along with one man being brutally pressed to death for not admitting to witchcraft.

These “trials” could very well have been started because of jealousy. The reason for this is the “accusers” might have wanted to be with the husbands of the women they accused of witchcraft. Being with the man they wished to be with would mean they would have a name that was known in town and possibly money. Jealousy is a strong force and the girls who accused people of witchcraft knew how to use it to get what they wanted. The girls manipulated the minds of the judges by stating they had seen the wife of a man with the Devil. But also one man, Thomas Putnam, was accused of murdering his neighbors for their land, which might have actually been jealousy.

Lust could have also played into the Salem Witch Trials. In one case it did, the case of Abigail and John Proctor. Abigail mentioned John’s wife, …show more content…

Ergot is a fungus that commonly grows on many grains, but more often than not it is found on rye. Ergot was commonly found in America and European rye during the 19th century. The effects of ergot poisoning include; fits of convulsions, hallucinations, under the skin prickling sensations, and vomiting. An extract of ergot was used to make the hallucinogenic drug LSD. The town of Salem stored their grain to consume during the winter, and ergot being a fungus grows in dark and damp areas. With ergot growing in the grain the consumption would cause the whole town to be affected by the symptoms of ergot poisoning. The accusers saw the opportunity to take advantage of the symptoms and say they were being controlled by the Devil and his

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