
Fahrenheit 451 Rhetorical Analysis

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In a future totalitarian society, all books have been outlawed by the government, fearing an independent-thinking public. Fahrenheit 451 is a futuristic novel, telling the story of a time where books and independent thinking are outlawed. In a time so unenlightened, where those who want to better themselves by thinking, are outlawed and killed. Guy Montag is a senior firefighter who is much respected by his superiors and is in line for a promotion. He does not question what he does or why he does it until he meets Clarisse. As his doubts grow, he begins to steal some of the books he is meant to burn. Bradbury uses the Freytag’s pyramid to help establish the theme of the story. Freytag’s pyramid is a narrative structure that’s describes a story in five parts: exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution. Bradbury use the exposition to set the stage for action to come. Exposition is the beginning of the story that provides the reader with background information. In Fahrenheit 451, Bradbury uses diction, to introduce the reader to the theme of the story. For instance, at the beginning of the story he says “It was a pleasure to burn” (Bradbury, 1).This is important because the reader introduce to the theme without reading the next paragraph. Next, Bradbury introduces the characters in the story and the characters …show more content…

The novel also makes a unyielding point about the dangers of consumerism, emphasizing how creativity and individualism can be reduced by allowing the government and media to think for them. Perhaps the most important feature of the book is that readers understand the value of imagination and cultural heritage. These points would not be understood or accepted by readers if the novel failed to follow narrative structure, which is undeniably the most important aspect of any literary

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